I am using spartan 6 sp601 evaluation kit along with the FMC-ADC adapter(http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/folders/print/fmc-adc-adapter.html)
and ADS5282EVM(http://focus.ti.com/docs/toolsw/folders/print/ads5282evm.html) from texas instruments.
i would like to write a vhdl code to control the LVDS DDR outputs provided from the ADS5282EVM to spartan 6 FMC pins.
I am really confused about implementing the ddr logic in my custom ip..
i connected my custom ip to a IPIF FIFO but seems that i missed data...
Recently i read the xapp1064...Should i follow this way describing there in my design with FMC connector?
Xapp 866 and 774 i thing that does not help when using the FMC pins...Am i right?
Is anywhere a sample code in vhdl that capture LVDS DDR outputs ..
I am using EDK 11.5...
thanx in advance