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Guru 29710 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8513, ADS8681

Hi Team,

The Table 3(output codes) shows the input ranges of ±10V and 0.5V to 4.5V.

If input range is 0V to 10V, is DIGITAL OUTPUT(hex code) the following?
LSB: 152uV
+Full-scale: 9.999848V -> 7FFF
Midscale: 5V -> 0000
One LSB below midscale: 4.999848 -> FFFF
-Full-scale: 0V -> 8000

Best Regards,
Yaita / Japan disty

  • Yaita,

    Your calculations are correct.
    If I may, I would suggest looking into using the ADS8681, it has the same functionality as the ADS8513, but also has an intergrated analog front end, higher sampling rate, and better performance.

    Thank you