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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC9881, DXP


I am having a really disappointing time trying to use the software that is meant to work with eval kit for the DAC8991 part... 

first up, I had the issue with downloading the device xml file, but I got that fixed with a bit of stuffing about, and I have the application window open up without complaining about a lack of drivers.

For a fraction of a second...

But then I get this wonder of modern part evaluation technology popping up:

and that kills the testing application.

How can I get this part evaluated, please?

I'm running win10 pro with standard updates. I may have some other VISA stuff installed (The AD ADC part I tested the other day also installed labview or some part of it, I think.. but then the installer for this program put its own labview install in too) But I can't go removing that - ideally I want to run this TI EVAL board with its DAC alongside the AD Eval board with its ADC, and some interesting project POC stuff in between them..

  • Hello,

    "DAC8991" is not a TI part number. I'm not sure exactly which device you are trying to evaluate - perhaps DAC9881?

    There are a few things that could be causing issues with the evaluation software on your PC - inclusive of potential conflicts in VISA / LabVIEW run-times and that DXP was not tested or developed for Windows 10 - although I have seen it successfully installed and installed in myself on Windows 10.

    There are two support packages you may have seen here on the E2E Forums which I would suggest that you try. We deployed these as interim support patches for DXP while we migrate from the platform in the event that the root cause is not LabVIEW platform related.

    If those avenues fail to resolve your issue - please confirm the part number. Perhaps we can facilitate evaluation via another platform to avoid the driver conflicts you are experiencing.
  • Hello,

    Any update on this topic?