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As titled, I want to test ADS4222EVM without TSW1400.
I've check the jumper settings and all of them are in the correct (default) positions.
But I'm not sure with the input clock spec, such as waveform, frequency, offset, ...,etc.
The highest frequency I can get from my signal generator is 25MHz.
If this frequency is acceptable, how much is the consumed current ?
The user guide says that clock amplitude should be 0.6Vrms (approximately 0.8Vpp), but did not mention about waveform and offset.
Should I use square wave or sine wave signal ? And how much offset is appropriate ?
I want to use test patterns to verify the LVDS output, and I used the ADS42xx_58C28 GUI to program the serial interface register map.
I enabled the digital function and set the test patterns of both channel to be alternating (or digital ramp).
Are there any other necessary setting items ?
Last question, can I measure LVDS output directly on the connectors J1 and J2 ?
I tried to do so but didn't see any waveform on oscilliscope.
Thanks a lot for helping me out.
Setup the board for serial SPI interface. Open the EVM GUI and do a send all to reset the board. Provide a 25MHz clock with at least -5dBm of power. This should be a sinewave centered about 0V.
You should see the output pins toggle after this. If you are using the board in parallel SPI mode, toggle the reset button after power up. I have the board running in our lab with 25MHz clock @ 0dBm, and the current draw on the 5V input source is only 0.081 Amps.
To enable the test pattern, set address 0x42 to 0x08 to enable the digital functions. Set address 0x25 to 0x04 to turn on the ramp for CHA and set address 0x2B to 0x4 for CHB.
That is correct. By default, the board is setup for LVDS output mode. You would need to remove some r-packs and install the SN74AVC16T245 before you can use the board in CMOS output mode. Is you board sending LVDS data out now? Are you still having issues?
Depending on what type of connector you have on your FPGA board, TI sells two adapters that may work for you. One is the HSMC-ADC-Adapter board and the other is the FMC-ADC-Adapter card. I have attached the schematic of both of these boards for you to verify with your FPGA board. Another option is to purchase the TSW1405EVM, which is a low cost capture card.