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ADS1115: ADS1115 in continuous mode with alternating channels

Part Number: ADS1115

Hi there!

Would starting and stopping "Continuous Mode" inside the main loop enable you to average a bunch of samples and then turn "Continuous Mode" back on for reading some other channel?

Here is what I'm trying to do?

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Nanoshield_ADC.h>

Nanoshield_ADC adc;

void setup()

void loop()
unsigned long sum = 0; // ADC value sum
// Enter continuous mode and start reading channel 2-3 differential(input A2,A3)
adc.readADC_Differential_2_3(); //Does this initiate the continuous mode conversion?
for (int i = 0; i < 860; i++)
sum += readNext(); //reading the differential Amps ADC values

adc.setContinuous(false); //does this stop continuous conversion?
Serial.print (sum / 860); //Send average value of differential input to Serial Monitor

// Enter continuous mode and start reading channel 0 (input A0)

for (int i = 0; i < 860; i++)
sum += readNext(); //reading the single ended Volts ADC values

Serial.println (sum / 860); //Send average value of single-eded input to Serial Monitor


  • Zac,

    You could run the device in continuous mode, get a bunch of samples and average them to get a lower noise. Note that you must track the ALERT/RDY pin to know when the ADC has completed the conversion. If you read out too slowly, you might miss a read, or if you read out too fast, you might read the same data over.

    Instead of reading multiple data for averaging, I would instead change the data rate. This is more efficient, and you could use single-shot mode to read the data each time. I always find single-shot mode easier for this device. By lowering the data rate, you get the same improvement on noise performance as you would for averaging.

    Joseph Wu