I am reviewing the 4th order Modulator to assure I understand it correctly. In the world of SAR ADC a data point is represented by a digital word associated with Vin. A delta sigma creates a PCM a frequency representation of the data point. My question is how long does it take to create this PCM? My overall goal is to determine the total time it takes to sample a data point and download the data into a FPGA. Looking at Figure 35 Modulator Mode Timing (Page 17 of ADS1282 Datasheet) I assume it will take approximately 16us to run through Equation 5 (page 15 of ADS Datasheet.) and fully download the 32bits via 2 pins to the FPGA.
With fmod = (fclk/4) = 1Mhz = 1us
16bits * 1uS = 16uS
Dean Gacita