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ADS4246EVM: SPI address x4A funny

Part Number: ADS4246EVM

We are using the ADS4246EVM connected to a Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA as a development system whilst our hardware is ready.

As a medical company, we need to make sure the ADS4246, via the SPI, has been programmed correctly. Therefore, after programming the ADC, we read back all of the registers from Address x01 (After setting READOUT in Address x00 first) to make sure the SPI registers are correct.

However, when reading address x4A, I see bit 4 high (so Data Out = x10) instead of the programmed x00.

Is it:-

* The SPI Address was incorrect (so not x4A)
   \=> However have reduced the SCLK vastly, and still seeing bit 4 still high,

* The ADS4246 or the datasheet is incorrect
   \=> The datasheet is from 2013, so very unlikely

* Part of address x4A (and other registers?) are internal test values
   \=> So mask the data coming the ADC so only the right parts of the registers come through (i.e. Mask any bits that say  'Always write 0' in the datasheet)

* A.N.Other?

See attached 'Scope screenshot of the SCLK and SDOUT of Address x4A.

Many thanks,
