How can I calculate the overall and effective sample rate, which is achievable with the ADS7953? According data sheet the max SPI clock frequency is 20MHz and the device needs 16 clock cycles for conversion (table in chapter 7.9). According this I would assume a max. throughput of 1.25MS/s. However in datasheet a max. sample rate of 1MHz is specified. How can I derive this value? Simply it woiuld mean that we need a total of 20 clock cycles per conversion but this is not mentioned at all within the datasheet. Furthermore we need to sample each channel, so the effective sampling rate (per channel) is 1/16th of the overall sample rate because the ADS7953 has 16 channels total. Is this calculation correct or do I miss something? Back to an example: SPI clock 20MHz -> overall sample rate 1MS/s and effective sample rate per channel would be 62.5kS/s. Could sou confirm this calculation?
Best Regards Andreas