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I use dac8822 to Converting Digital Signal to Analog Signal,the Digital Signal from ads8584,but I can not get right Analog Signal.
I input sinusoidal wave and convert it to digital signal with ads8584,This digital signal is directly given to DAC8822, but the output waveform of DAC8822 is square wave, which is consistent with the frequency of the input sine wave, and can be changed according to the input.
I want to know why and how to recover to sinusoidal wave.
Welcome to E2E and thank you for your query. I have a couple of questions:
1. Who is driving the SCLK?
2. If you are reading back from the ADC, how are you feeding it to the DAC as a write input?
3. Can you provide a scope shot of the SPI waveform?
Uttam Sahu
Applications Engineer, Precision DAC
1.I use an FPGA to send the ADC read data to the DAC and keep the clock synchronized.
2.This is a 16-bit parallel DAC with no SPI signal. But I have oscilloscope screenshots of analog signals, and I can upload them if you need them.
Understand. My mistake on the parallel interface. Could you please upload the waveform capture?
Apologies for the late response. Looks like only the MSB line is toggling. Could you please monitor all digital lines near the DAC?