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Hi team,
My customer considers to use ADS8325IB and provided some questions.
Best regards,
Shota Mago
Hello Shota-san,
Thank you for your post.
Can you please clarify which part number you are referring to?
Best regards,
Hi Ryan-san
Sorry for my typo.
I meant ADS8325IB. ADS8353 has nothing to do with it.
Best regards,
Shota Mago
1. the SDO is High Z, which means it will remain in the state it last was when not controlled. Note also that the first 5 SCLK are not valid SDO data and that the pin is still High Z
To understand, do you mean that the device does not output any data when converting?
Can you use a known DC input, and sample out the data, this way we can compare what the output is expected to be vs what it is. Also make sure there is nothing on the digital line that could be holding the signal.
2. the SCLK does not need to be low before CS, but it would need fall with CS falling.
A screen shot of the digital lines will help to debug and confirm timing.
Hi Cynthia-san
Thank you for your reply.
1. The device looks output data successfully but the customer just would like to know idle state of DOUT.
I understood that DOUT will remain in the state of previous one thanks to your answer.
What about DOUT status at start-up? (default low?)
3. Should the customer set SPI mode 1 for the device?
Best regards,
Shota Mago
there is not information on what the default level of SDO when device is initially powered up, but notice that SDO will go low for a clock cycle before the MSB is clocked out at every conversion result.
From the timing diagram below, the data should be read on the rising edge of SCLK,
SPI mode 1 has data read on the falling edge, thus this would not be a good choice. I would suggest mode 0