tanks a lot for the DLL code we are able to write our personal GUI, in your code there was some bugs that we have fixed. During test however the EVM give an error and the application crash, after this error also your SOFTWARE is not able to write or read the board register, message is Error to writing/reading config Reg.
To unblock the board we need to press SW2 near the usb port connector of board and programm another time the FPGA and the DDC register.
if we launch the command to write the DDC264 register by ourself and despite we follow the istructions at letter:
2. Configuring DDC Registers:
First use XferINTDataOut() to send data to board and configure DDC register.
Since the function at a time writes to only one register, the function has to be executed for
multiple times to write to the below mentioned registers in FPGA. The first two digits represent
RegH & RegL and the last two digits represent DataH & DataL.
Data to be sent in sequence: 0000, 0000, 1100, 1200, 1C<DDC_High_Reg Value>,
1D<DDC_Low_Reg Value>, 1F01, 0000, 0000, 1E01
the boards are not able to collect correct data as if the command haven't effects.
if we launch the command to write the CFG REG of DDC264 from your software ( button under DCC264 register) after that we have progammed the FPGA register with OUR Software the boards works again.
Moreover the HARD RESET OF DDC instructions says:
To Hard Reset the DDD device use XferINTDataOut() to send the following register values. The first two digits represent RegH & RegL and the last two digits represent DataH & DataL.
Data to be sent in sequence: 0000, 15FF, 15FF, 1500, 1500, 15FF, 15FF.
How is possible to pass to XferINTDataOut() function 7 pairs of 2 bytes ?? In the DLL the func is defined so: XferINTDataOut( int *USBdev, int *Data01, int *Data02, int *Data03, int *Data04)
We expect that the istruction to apply a reset passes an even number of pairs like the previous for write the register.
It's clear that there is some wrong info on document....can you provide us ONLY the code enclodes in the 2 buttons of your software HARD RESET DDC and WRITE CFG / VERIFY CFG to understand whats wrong in our software?
we are blocked again and in "terrificant late" to provide the data of test we must do with your board , we risk losing the contract.
thank you so much for any help to reach our goal.