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ADS8350: Calculating Theoretical Noise Limit

Part Number: ADS8350

The ADS8350 datasheet lists SNR as 84dB.

I followed the following equations to calculate the internal ADC noise in Vrms

Given the 84dB from the DS, and the fact this was measured with Vref = 2.5V, using a -0.5dBFSR sine wave...

- Vsig_pp = 4.72V (-0.5dBFSR of 5Vpp sine wave)
- Vsig_rms = Vsig_pp / √2 = 3.34Vrms

Rearranging the SNR = 20LOG(Vsig/Vn) to find Vn_rms...I calculated:

Vn_rms = 210uVrms

Is this correct?

And this is considering the noise integrated across the full bandwidth (up to 1/2 the sampling frequency, which is 750kSPS)

Is this understanding correct?

EDIT: If the above is correct, and the internal noise of the ADC is 210uVrms, then if a smaller amplitude signal was input to the ADC, the SNR would appear worse, correct?



  • Hi Darren,

    Thank you for your post.

    There is a mistake in your calculations. Vrms is equal to Vpp / (2*sqrt(2)) = 1.67 Vrms. The noise will be 105.4 Vrms.

    The measured noise will include the total integrated noise over the full bandwidth of the ADC up until the Nyquist frequency, as you mentioned.
