Part Number: ADS1262EVM-PDK
We are planning to develop a 6 1/2 to 7 digit universal process indicator with RTD, Thermocouple and other analogue inputs (Ohms,mVolt,Volt,mAmps).So we decided to go for 32 bit ADC. After referring to the datasheet we thought ADS1262 might be suitable for our application. We purchased a ADS1262EVM-PDK kit .we started testing on the kit and found the results of the ADC's performance very poor. The details of the test results and our requirement are given below. Suggest best method to achieve our requirement with maximum number of noise free counts.
Readings for 390E RTD input (Connections as per ADS1262EVM-PDK User's Guide Section 2.6.2 Pg No:15 Fig:11)
IDAC Current : 250uA
Data Rate : 20SPS
Filter : Sinc4
Vref : Voltage Across Ain4-5 (2V)
Gain : 16
Chop : Enabled
IDAC Rotation : Enabled
ADC count Variation : 1718039712-1718073508
Noise free count is 17180 the next digit varies +/- 2 counts.
Effective Number of Bits mentioned in datasheet for gain 16 is 24.6
Noise free bits for gain 16 is 22.1 which is not achieved practically.
Our Requirement is noise free 800000 counts.
How can we solve this problem? Suggest best method to achieve the required counts.
Readings for 2V input (Connections as per ADS1262EVM-PDK User's Guide Section 2.6.3 Pg No:16 Fig:12)
Vref : Internal 2.5V
Data Rate : 20sps
Filter : Sinc4
Gain : 1
Bias Polarity : Pull Up mode
Chop : Enabled
ADC count Variation : 1726703349-1726829883
Noise free count is 1726 the next digit varies 1 count.
Effective Number of Bits mentioned in datasheet for gain 1 is 25.4
Noise free bits for gain 16 is 22.9 which is not achieved practically.
Our Requirement is noise free 400000 counts
How can we solve this problem? Suggest best method to achieve the required counts.
Similarly for 80mV input we require noise free 80000 counts.