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Where do I start... at the beginning I suppose?
OK. I started using CCS3 (free unlicensed version) last week (5/29/2013) to familarize myself with the tools and MSP430. It was working fine - I didn't have any problems.
Then my company purchased a license for me and I downloaded the latest version of CCS5. Initially, CCS5 was working fine with the small code that I was using.
When I tried to expand the code base (by .c adding files) I started getting "gmake: *** Access is denied" errors and CCS5 would be stuck "Refreshing workspace". (I didn't save any of the log files.) I spent about 8 hours searching the internet and trying to debug the issue.
One of my co-workers is using CCS4 without any problems. So, I gave up on CCS5 and decided to uninstall it with the intention of installing CCS4. Duing the un-installation of CCS5 an error message box popped up that said something like "Script Error" with a lot of details - I didn't save that information either. I'm not convinced that the uninstallation was fully completed.
Then I began trying to install CCS4. Every time I tried to install CCS4 my system would crash - keyboard/mouse were not responsive. I let it sit for +1 hour once to see if it was just being slow.
Finally, today I realized that if in install CCS4 with only MSP430 checkbox selected (all other checkboxes (C28x, Stellaris, Cortex, Digital Media, C54x, C55x, C6000, ARM) unselected) then I would be able to install CCS4 without crashing my system.
OK. Now I have CCS4 installed on my system and the first thing I did was to import one of the example projects (msp430x5xx_fet_1.c) and compile it. The first time I tried to complie the example project I got the same "gmake: *** Access is denied" error and CCS4 would be stuck "Refreshing workspace". The second time I tried clean/compling the same project CCS4 was successful in the compilation.
This particular "gmake: *** Access is denied" error seems to be time dependent. If I compile a project that is slightly larger than the example project, then sometimes I will receive the error and other times it will compile successfully. Or, if I compile a large project, then it will throw this error in different (and apparently random) places
Below is the a log file with the error for some I2C code that I wrote:
Can someone help me figure out what is going on, please?
**** Build of configuration Debug for project I2C ****
C:\TexasInstruments\ccsv4\utils\gmake\gmake -k all
'Building file: ../msp430x5xxI2C_01.c'
'Invoking: Compiler'
"C:/TexasInstruments/ccsv4/tools/compiler/msp430/bin/cl430" -vmspx -g -O0 --define=__MSP430F5529__ --include_path="C:/TexasInstruments/ccsv4/msp430/include" --include_path="C:/TexasInstruments/ccsv4/tools/compiler/msp430/include" --include_path="C:/TexasInstruments/ccsv4/msp430/include" --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="msp430x5xxI2C_01.pp" "../msp430x5xxI2C_01.c"
"../msp430x5xxI2C_01.c", line 44: warning: variable "EEPROM_Rx_Num_Bytes" was declared but never referenced
"../msp430x5xxI2C_01.c", line 47: warning: variable "EEPROM_Tx_Num_Bytes" was declared but never referenced
"../msp430x5xxI2C_01.c", line 48: warning: variable "EEPROM_Tx_Data" was set but never used
'Finished building: ../msp430x5xxI2C_01.c'
' '
'Building target: I2C.out'
'Invoking: Linker'
"C:/TexasInstruments/ccsv4/tools/compiler/msp430/bin/cl430" -vmspx -g -O0 --define=__MSP430F5529__ --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --printf_support=minimal -z -m"" --stack_size=160 --heap_size=160 --use_hw_mpy=F5 --warn_sections -i"C:/TexasInstruments/ccsv4/msp430/include" -i"C:/TexasInstruments/ccsv4/tools/compiler/msp430/lib" -i"C:/TexasInstruments/ccsv4/tools/compiler/msp430/include" -i"C:/TexasInstruments/ccsv4/msp430/include" --reread_libs --rom_model -o "I2C.out" "./msp430x5xxI2C_01.obj" -l"rts430x.lib" "../lnk_msp430f5529.cmd"
'Finished building target: I2C.out'
gmake: *** Access is denied.
. Stop.
gmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
gmake: *** Deleting file `I2C.out'
Build error
(Command canceled)
Hi Aaron,
what type of license are you using? I suspect you have the code size limited license .. but you say you have purchased license?. Can you check? Help->code composer studio licensing information
Best Regards,
Also check for permissions and antivirus problems .. this actually could also be the case more so than the license come to think of it.
Best regards,
Hi Lisa,
The license is installed and I have admin privledges so those are not the problems.
I asked my IT to disable the antivirus software and it started working.
Thanks for your help!
I have the same problem and efectively when antivirus program is disabled, gmake works, but is not a good idea to have antivirus disabled all time. I try to add some exceptions including gmake.exe, eclipse.exe and ccstudio.exe and it doesn't work. Could you tell me which other executables I have to add to the antivirus exceptions in order to work with it fully activated??
See second to last comment. I would suggest trying the workaround that Kaspersky support has suggested. Unfortunately, I don't know whether it works or not.