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Is CC Studio 6.0 GA another nightmare?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO, TM4C129XNCZAD, MSP430G2553

 I got the new GA version, I was in try with beta release 00157.

 Environment Linux Mint, on Cinammon 64Bit on a Vaio SVS1511C5E, Windows removed due to incompatibility with Linux and XP too, 8GB ram I7 NVidia. As many others I don't like Unity and everithing resemble M$ policy of imposition, so I searched for what is simple and productive.

 I never got a package compiled on this new PC, I installed version 5.5 of CCstudio with a lot of problems, I ported all is Linux dependent to this platform, I ported all Altera code, but still no chance for CCStudio.

 I try'd Beta release CCS6.0.0.00156, some troubles with mklib I never found and not mklibs on Linux, I was on try to complete library rebuild but on forum I read of this new release version CCS6.0.0.00190.

 On Install reported some Library missing, (libgnome and two others) installation run't fine and CCstudio open in the new graphic version...

 From beta release are missing view perspective useful to switch from editing to deug or building, but may be some better is in place, I read only 6.0 is now supported :(((  Is this M$ policy of sell new version and stop productivity of users? Of much time is needed to solve everything is on new version and how many time is required to new learning curve of a new environment??

 And in a production tree how much impact the new problems where from new version? Is this a good policy about what is developed on old version?

 5.1 required a week to discover double stack setting and just one was working....

 5.4 from 5.1 experience got working in a few hours (Old pc AMD 64 bit based Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit)

 5.5 never I got a working on this new pc, still everything is mantained on old pc

 6.0 Beta after few hour struggling got at a linking error stage where compiler reported libc.a not found... Simple project got compiled fine.

 6.0 GA.... fresh installation, imported again new project and noooo not again a worst than I never see, a new NIGHTMARE!!!!!

 Everything I try to modify same response, no build no touch no chance....

 TIVA support disappeared so I on ARM menu is not possible build for....

 CCstudio was on schedule to buy..... When can be a ready for production tools on TIVA and MSP series? Tomorrow I also try import C2000 code, My wish is to migrate from old pc to this new and have a full version working compiler.

( note: I try download Image late, now I got many time error on download)

  • Installation as root on /opt/ti tivaware version is 2.1 (the latest), import from project import existing CCS project, no way to create simple ARM cortex project.

  •  I don't know what was wrong, browsing folders I noticed on tools/compilers there was no ARM compiler at all and C2000 too so

     I run uninstall script, then i removed the beta too.

     Restarted installation watching on every submenu, tiva was selected by default so why missed on preceding?

     Installation went fine again.

     First run, an update app started downloading packages from internet, first run say not to have right to write modification.. May be on update need ask for root privilege if compiler was installed from root.

     Now compiling QS_wheater report similar trouble as beta, small tiva project compile and link flawless.

    Log follow:

    **** Clean-only build of configuration Debug for project qs_weather ****

    /opt/ti/ccsv6/utils/bin/gmake -k clean
    rm -rf  "qs_weather.out"
    rm -rf "eth_client.pp" "images.pp" "json.pp" "qs_weather.pp" "startup_ccs.pp"
    rm -rf "eth_client.obj" "images.obj" "json.obj" "qs_weather.obj" "startup_ccs.obj"
    Finished clean

    **** Build Finished ****

    **** Build of configuration Debug for project qs_weather ****

    /opt/ti/ccsv6/utils/bin/gmake -k all
    Building file: ../eth_client.c
    Invoking: ARM Compiler
    "/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/bin/armcl" -mv7M4 --code_state=16 --float_support=FPv4SPD16 --abi=eabi -me -O2 -g --include_path="/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/include" --include_path="/home/roberto-mint/workspace_v6_0/test/qs_weather" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/examples/boards/dk-tm4c129x" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/src/include" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/src/include/ipv4" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/apps" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/ports/tiva-tm4c129/include" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party" --gcc --define=ccs="ccs" --define=PART_TM4C129XNCZAD --define=TARGET_IS_TM4C129_RA0 --define=LWIP_1_4_1 --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --diag_wrap=off --gen_func_subsections=on --ual --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="eth_client.pp"  "../eth_client.c"
    Finished building: ../eth_client.c
    Building file: ../images.c
    Invoking: ARM Compiler
    "/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/bin/armcl" -mv7M4 --code_state=16 --float_support=FPv4SPD16 --abi=eabi -me -O2 -g --include_path="/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/include" --include_path="/home/roberto-mint/workspace_v6_0/test/qs_weather" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/examples/boards/dk-tm4c129x" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/src/include" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/src/include/ipv4" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/apps" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/ports/tiva-tm4c129/include" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party" --gcc --define=ccs="ccs" --define=PART_TM4C129XNCZAD --define=TARGET_IS_TM4C129_RA0 --define=LWIP_1_4_1 --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --diag_wrap=off --gen_func_subsections=on --ual --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="images.pp"  "../images.c"
    Finished building: ../images.c
    Building file: ../json.c
    Invoking: ARM Compiler
    "/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/bin/armcl" -mv7M4 --code_state=16 --float_support=FPv4SPD16 --abi=eabi -me -O2 -g --include_path="/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/include" --include_path="/home/roberto-mint/workspace_v6_0/test/qs_weather" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/examples/boards/dk-tm4c129x" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/src/include" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/src/include/ipv4" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/apps" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/ports/tiva-tm4c129/include" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party" --gcc --define=ccs="ccs" --define=PART_TM4C129XNCZAD --define=TARGET_IS_TM4C129_RA0 --define=LWIP_1_4_1 --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --diag_wrap=off --gen_func_subsections=on --ual --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="json.pp"  "../json.c"
    Finished building: ../json.c
    Building file: ../qs_weather.c
    Invoking: ARM Compiler
    "/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/bin/armcl" -mv7M4 --code_state=16 --float_support=FPv4SPD16 --abi=eabi -me -O2 -g --include_path="/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/include" --include_path="/home/roberto-mint/workspace_v6_0/test/qs_weather" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/examples/boards/dk-tm4c129x" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/src/include" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/src/include/ipv4" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/apps" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/ports/tiva-tm4c129/include" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party" --gcc --define=ccs="ccs" --define=PART_TM4C129XNCZAD --define=TARGET_IS_TM4C129_RA0 --define=LWIP_1_4_1 --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --diag_wrap=off --gen_func_subsections=on --ual --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="qs_weather.pp"  "../qs_weather.c"
    Finished building: ../qs_weather.c
    Building file: ../startup_ccs.c
    Invoking: ARM Compiler
    "/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/bin/armcl" -mv7M4 --code_state=16 --float_support=FPv4SPD16 --abi=eabi -me -O2 -g --include_path="/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/include" --include_path="/home/roberto-mint/workspace_v6_0/test/qs_weather" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/examples/boards/dk-tm4c129x" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/src/include" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/src/include/ipv4" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/apps" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party/lwip-1.4.1/ports/tiva-tm4c129/include" --include_path="/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/third_party" --gcc --define=ccs="ccs" --define=PART_TM4C129XNCZAD --define=TARGET_IS_TM4C129_RA0 --define=LWIP_1_4_1 --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --diag_wrap=off --gen_func_subsections=on --ual --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="startup_ccs.pp"  "../startup_ccs.c"
    Finished building: ../startup_ccs.c
    Building target: qs_weather.out
    Invoking: ARM Linker
    "/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/bin/armcl" -mv7M4 --code_state=16 --float_support=FPv4SPD16 --abi=eabi -me -O2 -g --gcc --define=ccs="ccs" --define=PART_TM4C129XNCZAD --define=TARGET_IS_TM4C129_RA0 --define=LWIP_1_4_1 --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --diag_wrap=off --gen_func_subsections=on --ual -z --stack_size=1024 -m"" --heap_size=0 -i"/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/lib" -i"/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/include" --reread_libs --warn_sections --display_error_number --diag_wrap=off --xml_link_info="qs_weather_linkInfo.xml" --rom_model -o "qs_weather.out"  "./startup_ccs.obj" "./qs_weather.obj" "./json.obj" "./images.obj" "./eth_client.obj" "../qs_weather_ccs.cmd" -l"libc.a" -l"/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/examples/boards/dk-tm4c129x/qs_weather/ccs/../../../../../driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" -l"/opt/ti/TIVAWare_2_1/examples/boards/dk-tm4c129x/qs_weather/ccs/../../../../../grlib/ccs/Debug/grlib.lib"
    warning #10229-D: output section ".data" refers to load symbol "g_sKentec320x240x16_SSD2119" and hence cannot be compressed; compression "rle" is ignored

     undefined                    first referenced
      symbol                          in file      
     ---------                    ----------------
     FlashPBGet                   ./qs_weather.obj
     FlashPBInit                  ./qs_weather.obj
     FlashPBSave                  ./qs_weather.obj
     FrameDraw                    ./qs_weather.obj
     Kentec320x240x16_SSD2119Init ./qs_weather.obj
     PinoutSet                    ./qs_weather.obj
     TouchScreenCallbackSet       ./qs_weather.obj
     TouchScreenInit              ./qs_weather.obj
     TouchScreenIntHandler        ./startup_ccs.obj
     dns_gethostbyname            ./eth_client.obj
     dns_tmr                      ./eth_client.obj
     g_sKentec320x240x16_SSD2119  ./qs_weather.obj
     lwIPEthernetIntHandler       ./startup_ccs.obj
     lwIPInit                     ./eth_client.obj
     lwIPLocalIPAddrGet           ./eth_client.obj
     lwIPNetworkConfigChange      ./eth_client.obj
     lwIPTimer                    ./eth_client.obj
     pbuf_free                    ./eth_client.obj
     tcp_close                    ./eth_client.obj
     tcp_connect                  ./eth_client.obj
     tcp_err                      ./eth_client.obj
     tcp_new                      ./eth_client.obj
     tcp_output                   ./eth_client.obj
     tcp_recv                     ./eth_client.obj
     tcp_recved                   ./eth_client.obj
     tcp_sent                     ./eth_client.obj
     tcp_tmr                      ./eth_client.obj
     tcp_write                    ./eth_client.obj
     usprintf                     ./qs_weather.obj
     ustrlen                      ./json.obj       
     ustrncmp                     ./json.obj       
     ustrncpy                     ./qs_weather.obj
     ustrtoul                     ./json.obj       

    error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain

    >> Compilation failure
    error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "qs_weather.out" not built
    gmake: *** [qs_weather.out] Error 1
    gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.

    **** Build Finished ****

  •  Import of sd card reader project on Launchpad tiva 123, this was based on stellaris and can be dependence from stellarisware so work in progress to port code...

     this is no more available on TIVAWare            inc/hw_gpio.h

    >> Compilation failure
    "../drivers/powertip480x272x16_ssd1963_8bit_rr.c", line 15: fatal error #1965: cannot open source file "inc/hw_gpio.h"
    Building file: ../drivers/powertip480x272x16_ssd1963_8bit_rr.c
    Invoking: ARM Compiler
    "/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/bin/armcl" -mv7M4 --code_state=16 --float_support=FPv4SPD16 --abi=eabi -me -O2 -g --include_path="/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/include" --include_path="/home/boards/ek-lm4f232" --include_path="/home" --include_path="/home/third_party" --gcc --define=ccs="ccs" --define=PART_LM4F120H5QD --define=TARGET_IS_BLIZZARD_RA1 --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --gen_func_subsections=on --ual --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="drivers/powertip480x272x16_ssd1963_8bit_rr.pp" --obj_directory="drivers"  "../drivers/powertip480x272x16_ssd1963_8bit_rr.c"

    >> Compilation failure
    1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "../drivers/powertip480x272x16_ssd1963_8bit_rr.c".
    Compilation terminated.
    gmake: *** [drivers/powertip480x272x16_ssd1963_8bit_rr.obj] Error 1
    gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.

    **** Build Finished ****

  •  C28027 project compiled and linked fine... Won't connect xds debugger on first run and reported bad ccxml, selected again xds100v3 and target on save all seems work....

     After installation code composer first time must run as root to complete apps update.. 130MB of files.. I selected offline installation :(

     Graphic environment is worst than 5.5 version and beta too, building a project leave the perspective and need to switch to read build log... Also all is worst than 5.5 and beta.

     Trying to load a very simple project again frequency out of range error... No way to select processor and debug interface.

     New icon are less intuitive and old layout disappeared... This must be a working tool not a videogaming platform!

     Why the good beta 6 project wizard guiding user to setting all parameter is no more active?

     This IDE is not user friendly, having a project working is not so secure and every version change make a  new set of issue/problems and solution are so far!!  Real time support got from past compiler I used, here lack a lot so IMHO this IDE is VERY HOSTILE!!!!!

  •  C28027 project compiled and linked fine... Won't connect xds debugger on first run and reported bad ccxml, selected again xds100v3 and target on save all seems work....

     After installation code composer first time must run as root to complete apps update.. 130MB of files.. I selected offline installation :(

     Graphic environment is worst than 5.5 version and beta too, building a project leave the perspective and need to switch to read build log... Also all is worst than 5.5 and beta.

     Trying to load a very simple project again frequency out of range error... No way to select processor and debug interface.

     New icon are less intuitive and old layout disappeared... This must be a working tool not a videogaming platform!

     Why the good beta 6 project wizard guiding user to setting all parameter is no more active?

     This IDE is not user friendly. Build  a working project is not so secure and every version change make a  new set of issue/problems and solution are so far!!

      Real time support got from past compiler I used lack here a lot.  IMHO this IDE is VERY HOSTILE!!!!!

  •  MSP430 too :( Grace generated code, compile time :

    Building file: ../main.c
    Invoking: MSP430 Compiler
    "/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/msp430_4.3.1/bin/cl430" -vmsp --abi=eabi --include_path="/opt/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="/opt/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/msp430_4.3.1/include" --include_path= --advice:power=all -g --define=__MSP430G2553__ --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --diag_wrap=off --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="main.pp" --cmd_file="./configPkg/compiler.opt"  "../main.c"
    error: option --include_path is missing its parameter 'dir'
    Building file: ../main.cfg
    Invoking: XDCtools
    gmake: *** [main.obj] Error 1