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Hi there,
after spending now 2 days to get all issues fixed after upgrade from win8.1 to win 10 I am kind of exhasuted and ask for help to get the latest build errors of an untouched TI sample project for the cc2650.
But here first the history as it may help any other affected by this.
After the upgrade my production projects, which build ok before the upgrade, didn't build any more because of errors uhh ?!?!
Ok so must be a registry problem and possinle JAVA. I thought a reinstall of CCS should fix that.
Next issue, I couln't uninstall CCS in Windows. So then I thought to just install CCS latest version again.
OK, after not one package was available, not the TI Rtos nor the TI V5.1.2 nor the XDS tool
Any attempt to install them through CCS failed.
I checked if I can uninstall CSS now and it was possible.
Uninstalled and installed CCS again and now I was able to uninstall
After reinstall the XDS tool was available, but not the TI compiler V5.2.6 required by the Simplelink sample projects
Any attempt to install the compiler through the app center failed. The message said more info in the log file But I couln't score any log file from this attempt.
Tried to install through the update feature, couldn't select any TI compiler.
But then using 'install new software' it was possible.
So now are all tools with ompatible versions are available and proper installed on CCS.
However, the following build log remains
**** Build of configuration FlashROM for project simple_peripheral_cc2650em_app ****
"C:\\ti\\ccsv6\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k -j 4 all -O
'Building file: C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/examples/cc2650em/simple_peripheral/ccs/config/app_ble.cfg'
'Invoking: XDCtools'
"C:/ti/xdctools_3_32_00_06_core/xs" --xdcpath="C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_18_00_03/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_18_00_03/products/tidrivers_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_16_01_13/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_18_00_03/products/bios_6_45_02_31/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_18_00_03/products/uia_2_00_05_50/packages;C:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base;" -o configPkg -t ti.targets.arm.elf.M3 -p ti.platforms.simplelink:CC2640F128 -r release -c "C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-arm_5.2.6" --compileOptions "-mv7M3 --code_state=16 --abi=eabi -me -O4 --opt_for_speed=0 --include_path=\"C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-arm_5.2.6/include\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/examples/simple_peripheral/cc26xx/app\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/icall/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/profiles/roles/cc26xx\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/profiles/roles\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/profiles/dev_info\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/profiles/simple_profile/cc26xx\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/profiles/simple_profile\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/common/cc26xx\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/components/heapmgr\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/controller/cc26xx/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/components/hal/src/target/_common\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/target\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/components/hal/src/target/_common/cc26xx\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/components/hal/src/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/components/osal/src/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/components/services/src/sdata\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/components/services/src/saddr\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/components/icall/src/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/src/inc\" --include_path=\"C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_18_00_03/products/cc26xxware_2_23_03_17162\" -g --c99 --gcc --define=USE_ICALL --define=POWER_SAVING --define=SBP_TASK_STACK_SIZE=700 --define=GAPROLE_TASK_STACK_SIZE=520 --define=HEAPMGR_SIZE=0 --define=xDisplay_DISABLE_ALL --define=BOARD_DISPLAY_EXCLUDE_UART --define=xBOARD_DISPLAY_EXCLUDE_LCD --define=ICALL_MAX_NUM_TASKS=3 --define=ICALL_MAX_NUM_ENTITIES=6 --define=xdc_runtime_Assert_DISABLE_ALL --define=xdc_runtime_Log_DISABLE_ALL --define=MAX_NUM_BLE_CONNS=1 --define=CC2650DK_7ID --define=CC26XX --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --diag_suppress=48 --diag_wrap=off --gen_func_subsections=on " "C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/examples/cc2650em/simple_peripheral/ccs/config/app_ble.cfg"
making package.mak (because of config.bld) ...
configuring app_ble.xem3 from package/cfg/app_ble_pem3.cfg ...
generating custom ROM library makefile ...
Starting build of library sources ...
making C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/examples/cc2650em/simple_peripheral/ccs/config/src/sysbios/rom_sysbios.aem3 ...
gmake[1]: Entering directory `C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/examples/cc2650em/simple_peripheral/ccs/config/src/sysbios'
clem3 C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_18_00_03/products/bios_6_45_02_31/packages/ti/sysbios/BIOS.c ...
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/examples/cc2650em/simple_peripheral/ccs/config/src/sysbios'
Build of libraries failed.
TOOLS/ recipe for target 'configPkg/linker.cmd' failed
0 [main] sh 10792 sync_with_child: child 11200(0x1D8) died before initialization with status code 0xC0000142
55 [main] sh 10792 sync_with_child: *** child state waiting for longjmp
C:/Users/start/AppData/Local/Temp/ fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
gmake[1]: *** [rom_sysbios.obj] Error 128
gmake: *** [C:/ti/simplelink/ble_sdk_2_02_00_31/examples/cc2650em/simple_peripheral/ccs/config/src/sysbios/rom_sysbios.aem3] Error 2
error: xdc.cfg.SourceDir: "C:/ti/xdctools_3_32_00_06_core/packages/xdc/cfg/SourceDir.xs", line 209: xdc.cfg.SourceDir : Build of generated source libraries failed: exit status = 2:
js: "C:/ti/xdctools_3_32_00_06_core/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs", line 160: Error: Configuration failed!
gmake.exe: *** [package/cfg/app_ble_pem3.xdl] Error 1
gmake.exe: *** Deleting file `package/cfg/app_ble_pem3.xdl'
gmake.exe: *** [package/cfg/app_ble_pem3.xdl] Deleting file `package/cfg/app_ble_pem3.h'
gmake.exe: *** [package/cfg/app_ble_pem3.xdl] Deleting file `package/cfg/app_ble_pem3.c'
js: "C:/ti/xdctools_3_32_00_06_core/packages/xdc/tools/Cmdr.xs", line 51: Error: configuration failed due to earlier errors (status = 2); 'linker.cmd' deleted.
gmake: *** [configPkg/linker.cmd] Error 1
gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors.
**** Build Finished ****
but the right tools are there
But these are the tools the BLE-STACK sample projects are build on
So they should compile and link fine.
But it looks like the RTOS is not build.
WHat to do?
I am very sorry to hear of your troubles with installing and using CCS on Windows 10.
First, regarding your comment about uninstalling CCS: the best way to do this is to simply delete the entire CCS installation directory. CCSv6 does not write to the Windows
registry so it is easiest to simply wipe out the directory. If the uninstall process does not completely delete all the contents, then a future installation to the same location may
not complete properly or could be corrupted.
Next, I am not sure why the updates failed in your previous install but if you encounter these issues again and provide us details, we can look into each issue individually.
Now for the remaining build error, this is coming from the XDCtools. Please see this wiki page for causes that might trigger this error.
There is also this recent thread with a similar error:
Hope this helps!