DLPC1438: How to print the 1280 x 720 pattern from spi interface

Part Number: DLPC1438


How to print the 1280 x 720 pattern from spi interface?

I can successfully print the 2560 x 1440 pattern, and just modify the parameter of the spi format(like column start index : 5, column end index : 14,start row index : 180, length : 921600), it can not show complete pattern, just show a small pattern in the up-middle of the light screen.

  • Hello David, 

    Can you please confirm if you can read back the FPGA CRC16 value and check if there is a SPI CRC error? 

    For more information, please refer to Section 3.3 and Section 4 of the DLPC1438 Programmer's Guide. Section 3.3 will explain the Data Transmission process and the required commands needed to be sent to the DLPC1438 and Section 4 explains how to properly transmit data via SPI.


    Tristan Bottone

  • I use raspberry pi4 to send spi data and I'm sure that the data is sending right.

    Also we use the LA to measure the sending data is right

    You can see below:

    this is our pattern is 1280 x 720 resolution bmp file(size is 922678 bytes)

    And this is 1438 Engine showing blinking pattern

    We can see the entire pattern showing, but is not fit the full frame, it's like show a 1280 x 720 pattern in the 2560 x 1440 screen.

    So how to fixed it?

  • David,

    Let me consult with my colleague and I will get back to you later this week. 


    Tristan Bottone