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Linux/DLPDLCR2000EVM: Integration of Raspberry Pi Video

Part Number: DLPDLCR2000EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC2607

Tool/software: Linux

I am working on the integration of the Raspberry Pi and see that there are 3 main steps

1) Configure for software I2C on BCM Pins 23 and 24 (since DPI parallel video output will use the default hardware I2C pins). The following pinout information is useful Note that connections I used were 20cm Dupont connectors and I didn't use any pull-up resistors for the I2C. The original I2C pin mappings for hardware I2C on the Raspberry Pi has relevant pullups added to the circuitry and I'm not sure if they are configured using internal pull-ups or not in the below configuration steps. If you are having troubles with I2C, you can either try using a short wiring connection for the I2C pins, or else you might need to add 1.8k pullup resistors on the Raspberry Pi for BCM Pins 23 and 24 (i.e. physical pins 16 and 18 on the Raspberry Pi), where the software I2C has been re-mapped to, in support of RGB666 output).

2) Wire up DPI parallel Video pins, as per the 24-bit (RGB888) mapping of (note that we are wiring up as per the RGB888 definitions, but only going to use pins R2-R7, B2-B7 and G2-G7, i.e. not connecting R0,R1, B0,B1 and G0,G1 pins. For the Raspberry Pi we need to define the mapping as 18-bit (RGB666), referenced as Mode 5 here, and then connect the relevant pins across on the DLPDLCR2000EVM module.

Here is my pinout showing the Raspberry Pi Connector (pin 1 is top left i.e. the unconnected 3.3V pin) and the references for the relevant pin connections on the DLPDLCR2000EVM, on connectors P1 and P2, as described in Figure 13 of the user guide The connections are given as the connector reference and then their physical pin number and description, as per Figure 13 of the user guide.

P1: 27 VSYNC  
P1: 29 HSYNC  
P1: 16 Data17 P1: 38 Data9
  P1: 36 Data10
P1: 45 Data0 P1: 46 Data1
  P2: 20 EX_SDA
  P2: 19 EX_SCL
P1: 42 Data5  
P1: 32 Data15  
P1: 39 Data6 P1: 31 Data14
  P1: 33 Data13
P1: 28 PCLK P1: 30 DATAEN
P1: 34 Data11  
P1: 35 Data12 P1: 40 Data7
P1: 37 Data8  
P1: 43 Data2 P1: 15 Data16
  P1: 44 Data3
P2: 46 GND P1: 41 Data4

3) Define the video format for output in the file located in /boot/config.txt in the OS e.g. Raspian Jesse.

Steps and 1 and 2 are fine, however I am stuck at the final part, step 3, and I need some help for the parameters required to define the video output.

According to the reference the Raspberry Pi uses the /boot/config.txt file to define an overlay and video timing parameters. I find the overlay rgb18.dtb exists in the overlays directory of my Rapsbian Jesse install, so can reference that to define the pin mappings, but then there are two more critical lines of information that I need to supply to configure the video output, and these need detailed video timings and configuration parameters.

The first line to define is the dpi_output_format, which is generated from a concatenated sequence of bits, resulting in a single number value. The options and their relative bit positions are as follows

Options Bit Position
output_format 0:3
rgb_order 4:7
output_enable_mode 8
invert_pixel_clock 9
hsync_disable 10
vsync_disable 11
output_enable_disable 12
hsync_polarity 13
vsync_polarity 14
output_enable_polarity 15
hsync_phase 16
vsync_phase 17
output_enable_phase 18

The values are selected from the following possible options values;




   0: RGB Data changes on rising edge and is stable at falling edge
   1: RGB Data changes on falling edge and is stable at rising edge.

   0: default for HDMI mode
   1: inverted

hsync/vsync/oe phases:

The second line to define is the hdmi_timings, which is a sequence of space-separated parameter values in the following format,

hdmi_timings = <h_active_pixels> <h_sync_polarity> <h_front_porch> <h_sync_pulse> <h_back_porch> <v_active_lines> <v_sync_polarity> <v_front_porch> <v_sync_pulse> <v_back_porch> <v_sync_offset_a> <v_sync_offset_b> <pixel_rep> <frame_rate> <interlaced> <pixel_freq> <aspect_ratio>

<h_active_pixels> = horizontal pixels (width) <h_sync_polarity> = invert hsync polarity <h_front_porch> = horizontal forward padding from DE acitve edge <h_sync_pulse> = hsync pulse width in pixel clocks <h_back_porch> = vertical back padding from DE active edge <v_active_lines> = vertical pixels height (lines) <v_sync_polarity> = invert vsync polarity <v_front_porch> = vertical forward padding from DE active edge <v_sync_pulse> = vsync pulse width in pixel clocks <v_back_porch> = vertical back padding from DE active edge <v_sync_offset_a> = leave at zero <v_sync_offset_b> = leave at zero <pixel_rep> = leave at zero <frame_rate> = screen refresh rate in Hz <interlaced> = leave at zero <pixel_freq> = clock frequency (width*height*framerate) <aspect_ratio> = *
* is the aspect ratio, represented by one of the following numbers. HDMI_ASPECT_4_3 = 1 HDMI_ASPECT_14_9 = 2 HDMI_ASPECT_16_9 = 3 HDMI_ASPECT_5_4 = 4 HDMI_ASPECT_16_10 = 5 HDMI_ASPECT_15_9 = 6 HDMI_ASPECT_21_9 = 7 HDMI_ASPECT_64_27 = 8

So I am seeking help to compile the relevant information to populate the dpi_output_format and hdmi_timings values. Note that at there is a useful spreadsheet which you can copy and edit, to easily generate the resulting parameter values.

I notice that in document DLP2607 sections 6.8-6.12 there are some parameters discussed, but it gives min/max rather than the specific values used in the DLPDLCR2000EVM.

Perhaps there is some similar information supplied/defined when setting up the Beagle Bone Black integration that can be referenced?

I hope you can help with filling in the relevant information!


  • Philip,

    The BeagleBone Black cape overlay has timing value specified. I will post them here for you as a reference:

    display-timings {
    native-mode = <&timing0>;
    timing0: 864x480 {
    clock-frequency = <26000000>;
    hactive = <640>;
    vactive = <480>;
    hfront-porch = <14>;
    hback-porch = 12>;
    hsync-len = <4>;
    vback-porch = <9>;
    vfront-porch = <2>;
    vsync-len = <3>;
    hsync-active = <0>;
    vsync-active = <0>;

    As for the DPI output format, this will depend on how you choose to interface the system together. The BeagleBone Black driver assumes an RGB888 interface, but the DLPDLCR2000EVM is capable of also outputting RGB666 and RGB565. The output format can be configured over I2C using commands described in the DLPC2607 programmer's guide (

    I hope this helps!

    Best Regards,
    Philippe Dollo
  • Philippe,

    Thanks for the info. After some further experimentation, trial and error and perseverance, I finally have a working integration with the Raspberry Pi Zero W.

    The final missing piece of information was that you need to define the RPi with Pixel Clock Frequency of at least 32MHz, as mentioned in this thread.

    So, to get it working, you need to add the following lines to your RPi /boot/config.txt file.

    # Add support for software i2c on gpio pins
    # DPI Video Setup
    hdmi_timings=854 0 14 4 12 480 0 2 3 9 0 0 0 60 0 32000000 3

    Here is a copy of the screen shot of the online configuration spreadsheet settings that I used. Note the change of clock speed to 32MHz. It seems values for clock speed above this also work. The settings may not be 100%, and there could be some further tweaking, but it gives a good starting point of something that works.

    So when you have powered on your DLPDLCR2000EVM and have booted up your RPi, you will end up with the splash screen on the projector. Now enter the below two lines on the command prompt, the first of which will change from the splash screen resolution, to the resolution of 854x480 @60 Hz that you have just defined in your /boot/config.txt. The second line selects the input source, changing from the internally generated splash screen image to your external DPI input. Once settled on your preferred start up resolution etc. you can flash it permanently to firmware, along with any custom splash screen of your own design.

    sudo i2cset -y 3 0x1b 0x0c 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x13 i
    sudo i2cset -y 3 0x1b 0x0b 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 i

    Hopefully those of you with Raspberry Pi's will now be able to get up and running more quickly. Good luck!

    Pic taken of projection onto wall (lights were off but DLPDLCR2000EVM was not sitting perfectly flat or perpendicular to wall). Still experiencing some distortion of video image, most likely the settings need some further tweaking (frequency value seems like a guess at the moment).

  • Philip,

    This is impressive! Thanks for sharing your work with us. :)