Hello !!
I have a project in my internship to do a flip ot the image captured by the caméra. I would use thes switches to select the flip effect. for example :
Switche 1 => No efect
Switche 2 => Horizontal flip
Switche 3 => Vertical flip
Switche 4 => Horizontal and vertical switch
The cxcore.h countains the flip function :
/* Mirror array data around horizontal (flip=0),
vertical (flip=1) or both(flip=-1) axises:
cvFlip(src) flips images vertically and sequences horizontally (inplace) */
CVAPI(void) cvFlip( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
int flip_mode CV_DEFAULT(0));
I count to use the facedetect demo and replace the function that detect the face by the function flip. . The user choose the flip function using switches.Do you think that is a good idea?
I would use the switches to use the function. But I don't know witch regsiters t need to use to detect if the use select one of the switches?