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[FAQ] TI-API: v1 Backlog order API status error codes and meanings

Part Number: TI-API

What do the v1 backlog order API status error codes mean?

  • Scenario Error details Remediation steps
    Customer Global Identifier Missing
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40004",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerGlobalIdentifier is required. Contact TI API Support ("

    Contact API support

    Customer Purchase Order Missing
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40010",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Pass a valid CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier in request."

    Pass a valid CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier inPass request.

    Customer Purchase Order or Supplier Order Missing
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40016",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Pass a valid CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier or SupplierOrderIdentifier."

    Pass a valid CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier or SupplierOrderIdentifier.

    Customer Purchase Order Invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40020",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 35 characters. Check CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a value which does not exceed limitation.
    Customer Purchase Order Date invalid 
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40030",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerPurchaseOrderDate {1} is not a valid date (YYYY-MM-DD). Check the date format and resubmit the request.{1} cannot exceed 35 characters."
    Customer should pass a valid input
    Customer Global Identifier Invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40040",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerGlobalIdentifier is invalid. Contact TI API Support ("
    Contact API support
    Customer Soldto Missing
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40050",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Provide CustomerSoldToIdentifier and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a valid input
    Customer Soldto Invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40060",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerSoldToIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 17 characters. Check CustomerSoldToIdentifier and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a value which does not exceed limitation
    Customer Shipto Missing
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40066",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Provide CustomerShipToIdentifier and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a valid input
    Customer Soldto Invalid

    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40070",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerSoldToIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 17 characters. Check CustomerSoldToIdentifier and resubmit the request."

    Customer should pass a value which does not exceed limitation
    Customer End Customer Invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40080",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerEndCustomerIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 17 characters. Check CustomerEndCustomerIdentifier  and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a value which does not exceed limitation
    Customer Contact Name Invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40090",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerContactName {1} cannot exceed 40 characters in length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerContactName in the request."

    Pass a valid CustomerContactName in request.  

    Or leave it blank.

    Customer Contact Phone Number Invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40100",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerContactPhoneNumber {1} cannot exceed 30 characters in length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerContactPhoneNumber in the request."

    Pass a valid CustomerContactPhoneNumber in request.

    Or leave it blank

    Customer Contact Email address exceeds length
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40110",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerContactEmailAddress {1} cannot exceed 132 characters in length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerContactEmailAddress in the request."

    Pass a valid CustomerContactEmailAddress in request.

    Or leave it blank

    Customer Contact Email Address Invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40120",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerContactEmailAddress {1} is not valid. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerContactEmailAddress in the request."

    Pass a valid CustomerContactEmailAddress in request.

    Or leave it blank

    Customer ESignature Invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40130",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerESignature {1} cannot exceed 60 characters in length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerESignature in the request."

    Pass a valid CustomerESignature in request.

    Or leave it blank

    Customer Certification Statement Invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40140",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerCertificationStatement {1} cannot exceed 4000 characters in length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid CustomerCertificationStatement in the request."

    Pass a valid CustomerCertificationStatement in request.

    Or leave it blank

    Customer Order Attributes Key exceeds length
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40150",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerOrderAttributes Key {1} and Value {2} cannot exceed 60 characters as the combined total length. Remove this optional field or pass a valid Key and Value pair for CustomerOrderAttributes in the request."

    Pass a valid Key and Value pair for CustomerOrderAttributes in request.

    Or leave it blank

    Customer Purchase Order Line Item Number missing
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40156",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Provide CustomerPurchaseOrderLineItemNumber and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a valid input

    Customer Purchase Order Line Item Number exceeds length 

    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40160",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerPurchaseOrderLineItemNumber {2} cannot exceed 6 characters in length. Check CustomerPurchaseOrderLineItemNumber and resubmit the request. "
    Customer should pass a value which does not exceed limitation
    Customer Item Change Indicator is Invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40164",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerItemChangeIndicator {2} is invalid. Use "I" for Insert, "U" for Update, or "X" for Cancel and resubmit the request."
    Pass a valid CustomerItemChangeIndicator in request.
    Customer Item ShipTo Identifier exceeds length
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40166",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerItemShipToIdentifier {2} cannot exceed 35 characters in length. Check CustomerItemShipToIdentifier and resubmit the request."
    Pass a valid CustomerItemShipToIdentifier in request.
    Supplier Product Identifier missing
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40168",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Provide SupplierProductIdentifier and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a valid input.
    Supplier Product Identifier exceeds length
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40170",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "SupplierProductIdentifier {2} cannot exceed 35 characters in length. Check SupplierProductIdentifier and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a value which does not exceed limitation.
    Customer Product Identifier exceeds length
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40180",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerProductIdentifier {2} cannot exceed 35 characters in length. Check CustomerProductIdentifier and resubmit the request."
    Pass a valid CustomerProductIdentifier in request.
    Customer Expected Unit Price missing
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40190",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Provide CustomerExpectedUnitPrice and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a valid input.
    Customer Expected Unit Price exceeds length
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40200",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerExpectedUnitPrice {2} cannot exceed 12 characters in length. Check CustomerExpectedUnitPrice and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a value which does not exceed limitation.
    Customer Expected Unit Price invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40210",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerExpectedUnitPrice {2} must be a number. Check CustomerExpectedUnitPrice and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a valid input.
    Customer Certificate Of Conformance invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40220",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerCertificateOfConformance {2} must be of value "YES", "Y", or blank string "". Check CustomerCertificateOfConformance and resubmit the request."
    Pass a valid CustomerCertificateOfConformance in request.
    Customer Item Attributes Key exceeds length
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40230",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerItemAttributes Key {2} and Value {3} cannot exceed 60 characters as the combined total length. Pass a valid Key and Value pair for CustomerItemAttributes in request."
    Pass a valid Key and Value pair for CustomerItemAttributes in request.
    Customer Government Contract Number exceeds length
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40240",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerGovernmentContractNumber {2}, CustomerGovernmentRating {3}, and CustomerGovernmentQuantity {4} cannot exceed 56 characters as the combined total length. Pass a valid CustomerGovernmentContractNumber, CustomerGovernmentRating, and CustomerGovernmentQuantity in request."
    Pass a valid CustomerGovernmentContractNumber, CustomerGovernmentRating, and CustomerGovernmentQuantity in request.
    Customer Requested Quantity exceeds length
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40250",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerRequestedQuantity {2} cannot exceed 10 characters in length. Check CustomerRequestedQuantity and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a value which does not exceed limitation
    Customer Requested Quantity invalid
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40260",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerRequestedQuantity {2} must be an integer. Check CustomerRequestedQuantity and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a valid input
    Customer Requested Date invalid 
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40270",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerRequestedDate {2} is not a valid date (YYYY-MM-DD). Check CustomerRequestedDate and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a valid input
    Customer Expected Price Currency Code exceeds length
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40280",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerExpectedPriceCurrencyCode {2} should be between 3 and 5 characters in length. Check CustomerExpectedPriceCurrencyCode and resubmit the request."
    Customer should pass a valid input
    System Error
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-50000",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "System error occurred. Execution ID: execution-8405c55b-b05b-44cf-b0b6-75624ff3ce2f-2020.03.26. Contact TI API Support ( with the execution ID."

    Contact API support with execution id.

     JSON input invalid
    	"Code": "TI-API-40002",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Invalid JSON input. Correct the JSON input and retry or contact TI API Support ( for assistance."
    Correct the JSON input and retry.
    System Error Response
    	"Code": "TI-SOR-50000",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "System error occurred. Execution ID: execution-8405c55b-b05b-44cf-b0b6-75624ff3ce2f-2020.03.26. Contact TI API Support ( with the execution ID."
    Contact API support with execution id.
    API is unavailable

    	"Code": "TI-SOR-51000",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "This API is currently unavailable between yyyy-mm-dd ##:##and yyyy-mm-dd ##:##CST. Retry at a later time." 

    Retry at a later time.
    Purchase Order Identifier or Supplier Order Identifier invald

    	"Code": "TI-SOR-40016",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Pass a valid CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier or SupplierOrderIdentifier.." 

    Pass a valid CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier and/or SupplierOrderIdentifier in request.

    Customer Purchase Order Identifier exceeds length

    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40020",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 35 characters in length. Check CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier and resubmit the request."
    Shorten CustomerPurchaseOrderIdentifier in request.
     Supplier Order Identifier exceeds length
    	"Code": "TI-SOC-40060",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "SupplierOrderIdentifier {1} cannot exceed 10 characters in length. Check SupplierOrderIdentifier and resubmit the request."
    Shorten SupplierOrderIdentifier
    No data error
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-001",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "No data found."
    Customer Purchase Order number or TI order number requested is invalid. Enter a valid Purchase Order number or TI order number.
    Business Partner invalid
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-002",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "<XXX> is not a valid Business Partner."
    TI Customer Identifier is invalid or does not exist in our system. Contact customer service
    Order error
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-003",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Error reading data for order."
    Customer Purchase Order number is invalid, no TI order number was found. Enter a valid purchase order number.
    Invalid order number
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-004",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "<xxx> is not a valid order number."
    TI order number requested is invalid. Enter a valid TI order number.
    Pricing error 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-005",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Pricing could not be determined."

    Informational only. No action needed.

    TI pricing setup is missing Please check again later.

    Item not fully scheduled
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-006",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Item is not fully scheduled."

    Informational only. No action needed.

    TI planner will assign ESD.

    PO number missing
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-007",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Customer PO number is required."
    Customer Purchase Order number is required. Enter a Purchase Order number.
    Invalid change indicator for this item
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-011",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Only action type Insert (I) is allowed."
    Change Order line-item indicator requested is invalid, must be Insert (I) for this action.
     Duplicate Po Item
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-012",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "PO Item already present on the order. Action should be Update (U)."
    Customer Purchase Order Item exists, Change Order line-item indicator must be Update (U) for this action.
    Missing PO item on the change order
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-013",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": " PO Item is not present on the order. Action should be Insert (I)."
    Customer Purchase Order Item does not exist. Change Order line-item indicator must be Insert (I) for this action.
    Business Partner required
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-014",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Business partner is required."
    Customer business partner does not exist in our system. Contact customer service
    Invalid sold to
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-015",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": " Customer Sold To is not valid or cannot be changed."
    Customer sold to cannot be changed or is invalid. Contact customer service
    Invalid Sold to
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-016",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Customer Sold To is not valid."
    Customer sold to is invalid. Enter a valid sold to or contact customer service
    Invalid end customer 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-017",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "End customer number is not valid or cannot be changed."
    End customer number cannot be changed or is invalid. Contact customer service

    Invalid End Customer number

    	"Code": "TI-TXT-018",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "End customer number is not valid."
    End customer number is invalid. Enter valid customer number or contact customer service
    Invalid Shipto number
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-019",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Customer Ship To is not valid."

    Customer ship to is invalid. Enter a valid ship to or contact customer service
    Customer Part Number change now allowed
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-020",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Changing Customer Part Number is not allowed."

    Invalid Change requested, Changing Customer Part Number on existing item is not allowed.
    Material change not allowed
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-021",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Changing material on the item is not allowed."
    Invalid Change requested, changing material on existing item not allowed.
    Mismatch shipto and soldto sales area
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-022",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Customer Ship to is not in the same sales area as Sold To."

    Customer Ship to is not in the same sales area as Sold to, contact customer service
    Customer soldto missing
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-023",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Customer Sold To is required."

    Customer sold to is required, Re-enter or contact customer service
    Customer and Vendor invalid 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-024",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "No customer found for vendor."

    Customer not found, contact customer service
    Invalid Customer
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-025",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Customers are not valid."

    Customer are invalid, contact customer service
    Missing valid Sold to customer

    	"Code": "TI-TXT-026",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Sold to customer is not valid."

    Customer sold to is invalid, Re-enter or contact customer service
    Missing valid Ship to customer
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-027",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Ship to customer is not valid."

    Customer ship to is invalid, Re-enter or contact customer service
    Ship to customer invalid
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-028",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Ship to customer could not be determined."

    Customer ship to could not be determined, contact customer service
    End customer invalid

    	"Code": "TI-TXT-029",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "End Customers is not valid."

    Mismatch soldto and shipto sales area
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-030",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Soldto and Shipto are not in the same Sales Area."
    Customer sold to and ship to is not in the same sales area, contact customer service
    Mismatch soldto and end customer sales area
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-031",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Soldto and End Customer are not in the same Sales Area."

    Customer sold to and end customer are not in the same sales area, contact customer service
    Material is invalid 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-033034",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Material is not valid."

    Material requested is invalid, enter valid material.
    Material invalid for this process
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-033035",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "(xxx) is not valid for this process."

    Material (xxx) is not valid for this process, enter a valid material.
    Negative price error
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-036",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Customer expected price cannot be negative."

    Negative price invalid, enter a valid Customer Expected Price
    Price is invalid
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-037",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Customer Expected Price is not valid."

    Enter a valid Customer Expected Price.
    Invalid Price
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-038",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Overflow error occurred when processing Customer expected price."
    Enter a valid Customer Expected Price.
    Missing Schedule lines
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-039",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Schedule lines are missing."
    Enter Schedule line date and Quantity.
    Missing Schedule line quantity
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-041",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Enter schedule line quantity."
    Enter a schedule line quantity.
    Schedule line quantity invalid
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-042",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "ScheduleLineQuantityisnotawholenumber."
    Schedule line quantity must be a whole number.
    Schedule line quantity must be valid quantity
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-043",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Schedule Line Quantity is negative or is equal to zero."
    Schedule line Quantity must be greater than zero.
    Quantity too large
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-044",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Quantity Field Overflow. The quantity should be < 9,999,999,999."
    Invalid Quantity. Must be between 1 and 9,999,999,999. Enter valid quantity.
    Schedule Line date not unique
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-045",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Duplicate Request date found on the schedule lines."
    Pass a unique CustomerRequestedDate in request.
    Line Item must exist
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-046",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Line Items are missing."
    Customer Request date must be unique, duplicated request dates found. Re-enter valid date and retry.
    Invalid total item quantity
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-048",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Total Item quantity cannot be reduced below total Delivered quantity."

    Total Item Quantity must be greater or equal to Delivered quantity.

    Change order window constraint
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-049",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "No changes allowed in the Change Order Window."
    No changes allowed within the Change Order Window, Contact customer service
    Price mismatch
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-051",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Customer expected price mismatch with TI price."
    Customer expected price mismatch with TI direct price. Send purchase order change with correct price.  For help: contact customer service
    Line Item cannot be rejected
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-052",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Delivery created against the line item. Line cannot be rejected."
    Delivery exists for this line item no further action available.
    End Customer and SoldTo sales area mismatch
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-053",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "End Customer is not in the same sales area as Sold To"
    End Customer is not in the same sales area as Sold To. Contact customer service
    Change Request: Purchase Order Line Items different than Purchase Order Items 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-054",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "PO Items on the request do not match the Order Number."
    Purchase Order line Items in this Change request do not match the Order line items, Change cannot be processed.
    Purchase order or TI order number is invalid
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-055",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Order and Customer Purchase Order numbers do not match."
    Customer Purchase Order number or TI order number is invalid.  Verify both values and re-enter.
    Change Request Line Item cancelled
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-056",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Line item is cancelled; Update is not allowed."
    Order line item is cancelled status, update is not allowed. Contact Customer Service
    Change Request Line item ShipTo invalid
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-058",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Item Ship To is not valid."
    Line Item Ship to requested  for order line item is invalid.
    Item quantity changed
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-059",
    	"Type": "INFO",
    	"Message": "Item quantity changed to reflect delivery quantity."
    Item quantity changed to reflect delivery quantity.
    Change not allowed
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-060",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Item is completely delivered; No changes allowed."
    Item is completely delivered; No changes allowed. Contact Customer Service
    Order Change error
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-061",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Error(s) encountered when changing the order."
    Error(s) encountered when changing the order. Contact Customer Service
    TI workflow error for this item
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-062",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Item & is in TI workflow and is blocked from any changes."
    Item <xxx> is in TI workflow and is blocked from any changes. Contact Customer Service
    Material or Customer Part Number missing
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-063",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Material or Customer part number is required."
    SupplierProductIdentifier Required.  Enter a valid material. Contact Customer Service
    Schedule line qty invalid
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-064",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Schedule line quantity does not meet minimum rules."
    Schedule line quantity does not meet minimum rules.
    Change rejected order being processed
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-065",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Order is in process by another user; Changes are rejected."
    Order is in process by another user; Changes are rejected. Contact Customer Service
    Requested date not valid
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-066",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Request Date on the schedule line is outside the horizon."
    Customer request date is outside of date range, re-enter valid date and retry.
    Customer Purchase Order number is invalid for this change
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-067",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "No match found for Customer PO number."
    Customer Purchase Order number is invalid for this change.  Verify value and re-enter.
    Customer Purchase Order Item split requested Change
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-068",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Item Split requested; Action should be Update (U)."
    Customer Purchase Order Item split requested Change Order line-item indicator must be Insert (U) for this action.
    Purchase Order Line Item cancelled
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-069",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Reference Line Item is cancelled; Action is not allowed."
    Purchase Order Line Item is cancelled. Action is not allowed. Contact Customer Service
    Purchase Order cannot be split 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-070",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Maximum number of line items reached in the order; cannot be split."
    Purchase Order cannot be split, maximum number of line items reached. Contact Customer Service
    Purchase Order rejected 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-071",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Order in Rejected status; Item will not be added."
    Purchase Order in rejected status. Item cannot be added, contact customer service
    Purchase Order Item invalid 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-072",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Error in PO Item."
    Error in Purchase Order Item. enter a valid item number. Contact Customer Service
    Maximum line items reached
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-073",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Maximum number of line items reached in the order; item is not added."
    Purchase order maximum line items reached. No more items can be added. Contact Customer Service
    TI has initiated a change
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-074",
    	"Type": "INFO",
    	"Message": "Supplier initiated change."
    Informational only. No action needed.   TI has initiated a change on this order.
    Invalid Request date
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-075",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Request Date is not valid."
    Customer Request date is not valid. Enter in a valid date.
    Purchase Order Item error
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-076",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "PO Item already exists on an order. Line Item is not created."
    Purchase Order line Item number already exists on an order. Line Item is not created.
    Requested Date does not match the Estimated delivery date
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-077",
    	"Type": "INFO",
    	"Message": "Customer Request Date is not the same as Estimated Delivery Date."
    Informational only. No action needed.  Requested Date does not match the Estimated delivery date.
    Purchase Order Item missing
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-079",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "PO Item is required."
    Purchase Order Item is required. Enter a valid item number.
    Duplicate Purchase Order Item Number
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-080",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Duplicate PO items found on the request."
    Duplicate Purchase Order item number, re-enter valid item number.
    Line Item Change Indicator missing 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-081",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Item Action is blank and is not valid."
    Valid Line Item Change Indicator missing in request: Insert (I), Update (U), or Cancel (X) required.
    Purchase Order Line Item not found
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-082",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Reference line item is not found."
    Purchase Order Line Item is not found.
    Purchase Order Line Item split not allowed.
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-083",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Reference line has error and will not be split."
    Purchase Order Line Item in error, split is not allowed.
    Government Contract Number missing
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-084",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Government Contract Number is not populated; Rating has not been applied."
    Pass a valid Government contract number, missing or not valid.
    Valid eSignature missing or invalid.
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-085",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "eSignature is not populated; Rating has not been applied."
    Pass a valid eSignature value missing or not valid.
    Valid Certification Statement missing or invalid
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-086",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Certification Statement is not populated; Rating has not been applied."
    Pass a valid Certification Statement, missing or not valid.
    Valid Certification Statement missing or invalid
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-087",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Government Quantity is not populated; Rating has not been applied."
    Pass a Government quantity, missing or not valid. 
    Government rating missing or invalid 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-088",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Government Rating is not populated; Rating has not been applied."
    Pass a valid Government rating, missing or not valid.
    Mismatch Item quantity and Government rated quantity
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-089",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Item quantity does not match rated quantity; Rating has not been applied."
    Mismatch Item quantity and Government rated quantity. Enter Government rating.
    Government contract number invalid 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-090",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Multiple values found for Government Contract Number."
    Government Contract Number is not unique. Verify and re-enter valid value.
    Government rating invalid 
    	"Code": "TI-TXT-091",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Multiple values found for Government Rating."
    Government Rating is not unique. Verify and re-enter valid value.
    Missing schedule line
    	"Code": "TI-V1-335",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "System error: Schedule line <xxx> for item <xxx> does not exist."
    Mismatched schedule line and item number. System error: Schedule line <xxx> for item <xxx> does not exist. Contact customer service
    Change Order Window error
    	"Code": "TI-ZV-267",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "No changes allowed in the Change Order Window (COW) for item <xxx>."
    No changes allowed in the Change Order Window (COW) for item <xxx>. Contact Customer Service
    Material cannot be ordered but can be shipped
    	"Code": "TI-V1-028",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Material <xxx> has status: not OKO & OK to Ship."
    Material Status: Material <xxx> has status: <xxx>. Enter a new material or  contact Customer Service
    Ship complete invalid
    	"Code": "TI-ZS-018",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Ship complete invalid with multiple request lines."
    Invalid ship complete, multiple schedule lines found per line item, contact customer service
    Material excluded
    	"Code": "TI-V1-117",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "Material <xxx> has been excluded."
    Material <xxx> has been excluded. contact customer service
    Material availability date error
    	"Code": "TI-V1-067",
    	"Type": "ERROR",
    	"Message": "The material availability date cannot be after the delivery date."
    Delivery date exceeds or past material availability date. Contact customer service

**Attention** This is a public forum