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TI-API: API Endpoint to get Catalog data is invalid

Part Number: TI-API

According to the documentations and Swagger for the Inventory & Pricing API, the API endpoint to retrieve the current catalog for TI is "". However, when running this with valid credentials, I get the following error:

"Invalid API call as no apiproduct match found"

However, "", which is the endpoint for the SANDBOX environment, works as intended. What is the real endpoint to retrieve the list of products/TI's catalog in the Production Environment? Thank you for your assistance!

  • I can confirm the behaviour. In addition, the same happens with the Order API.

    The curious thing is that the URL for obtaining the access token is

    however, the base URL for queries is

    Whether this is the source of the problem, I don't know.

  • Hi Nhi Ngo and Andrei,

    The endpoint for the v2 catalog API is as follows (  We cannot find any information that indicates that you have requested access to the v2 APIs.  In order to execute the v2 APIs, you will need to register and get a company profile.    You can start that process by going here.   When you complete the registration process, you will also get new credentials that are valid for v2 APIs (they will not work for v1 APIs).   

  • No, the link you provided only registered a company account for me. I was not given any new credentials that are valid for v2 APIs. In fact, I can't even access the page for the API portal from the site you linked. 

    My current pressing issue is I would like to know what is the correct API and what is the way to extract the catalog data from the production environment? Also, there is no longer any documentations regarding requesting access to production environment. If this is no longer the way to call the API, please provide the new guide on how to access, as I am unable to find any documentations on the new process on the link you provided. 

    Also, my old credentials do work. The endpoint does not. Please see the reproduction steps below:

    Previously, I registered an app on the TI API Portal and I received a consumer key and consumer secret. However, now it is no longer accessible on your website. 

    But since I have the key and secret, I input them in the authorization on the swagger page:

    I know this accepted my credentials, because if I input an invalid credential set, it will signal an error. The fact there's no error means my credentials are valid

    Then I tried the catalog API

    But I get the following error:

    I tried with another API and same result (below is calling the product API)

    Please assist as this is a huge blocker for my POCs. 

  • Nhi Ngo,

    Thanks for your response and additional questions.

    1. You currently are only approved for the v1 SANDBOX APIs, and the credentials you currently have are only valid for SANDBOX v1 APIs.
    2. Since we released v2 APIs on Aug 29, we cannot approve any new requests for production v1 APIs.
    3. v2 “…./product/catalog” API is very similar to v1, with minor changes (please refer to the spec: ).

    Therefore, we encourage you to request v2 access, in order to use TI APIs.   These are the steps:

        -  Go to, click on “Getting Started”. 

        -   Go to the bottom of the form and complete three steps (Step 1:  Register for a company account;   Step 2:  Request API keys;  Step 3: Visit our developer portal (to see documentation)).  


    Lastly, now you should be able to see your current SANDBOX v1 credentials on the TI API Portal. 

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