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TI-API: Error when trying to use sandbox URLs for Product Info and Order APIs

I can authenticate using the URL but I cannot execute any API calls for the product info and order APIs.

Every time I make an API call using the sandbox servers I get this error response:

"fault": {
"faultstring": "Invalid API call as no apiproduct match found",
"detail": {
"errorcode": "keymanagement.service.InvalidAPICallAsNoApiProductMatchFound"

Is there a different URL I need to use for testing?  

  • Thomas, if you are trying to test with the backlog sandbox servers they have their own unique key and id, If  the key/secret you used was from you TI store account.  You cannot use the TI store key/secret to execute the backlog APIs.  You need to use your backlog key/secret.   Please re-verify your "backlog" key/secret test credentials and try again which are also different from the backlog prod credentials and different from the ti store credentials. Let me know if you continue to have any problems.  TI store and backlog product and order suite are different APIs with  different Access key credentials.  

  • Hi Tammy,

    I am able to use the backlog sandbox and am not getting errors related to that. My understanding was that all of the APIs had a sandbox version of the servers. I have integrated the Product Info API, TI store API suite, and the backlog API into our purchasing system. We are trying to order direct through the TI store API suite when the components we want are in stock and create a backlog order if they are not. I am trying to test the scripts that choose the correct API to use and would prefer to be able to use a sandbox server for the TI store API suite so I do not inadvertently create an order (I am already switched over to the sandbox servers for the backlog API). Is there a sandbox version of the TI store API suite? I thought at one point I was able to use this URL as the sandbox server for the TI store API suite:

  • The store order v2 does not have a sandbox per se - it is prod box prod credentials, but you can put /test at the end of the order  url to simulate a test order  vs a prod order. But agree if you forget the test at end of the url it is a prod order and could pass through to production. 

    curl -X 'POST' \

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