The datasheet indicates in preamble the following:
- 6 Mbps (48-MHz oscillator input clock) at 5 V and 3.3 V
- 3 Mbps (48-MHz oscillator input clock) at 5 V and 3.3 V
- 2 Mbps (32-MHz oscillator input clock) at 3.3 V
In our application we have one baudrate which is at 2.083Mbps, so I had understood at first that we would need a 48MHz oscillator to be able to reach that baudrate.
However, from my computations, if I set the baud divider to 8 instead of 16 (i.e. DLF[7] = 1), it seems I am able to reach that frequency for a 20MHz oscillator by setting:
- DLH at 0x00
- DLL at 0x01
- DLF at 0x8D
Do you confirm the preamble is just for information and my computation is correct ?