Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THVD1552, SN75179B, SN74LV374A, SN74HCS86, SN74AHC86, SN74AHC374, SN74LV86A
Hi Experts,
The customer needs help in setting up an eye diagram on my oscilloscope to check my RS-485 communication.
On page 18 of the report, there is a circuit to generate an NRZ Random code generator. And the customer would like to understand how this is connected. Please see the question below:
"I understand that pin 3 from the 555 goes to the scope trigger. I am thinking it does not matter on what edge it is triggered. I do not understand the "output to cable", "input to cable" and "output to scope" connections. can you explain these? I am thinking the "output to the scope" would go to channel 1 of the scope and possibly the trigger would go to channel 2. Is that correct?"
Thanks for the help.
Marvin Arcangel