One customer used DS90UB940+DS90UB927 for his application, he has confirmed UB927 could display 720p 30fps normally with UB928.But now he didn't know how to configuration UB940.
About UB940, RIN0 input, 4 data lanes CSI0 output, MODE0 and MODE1 pulled low.
The registers of UB940 configure 0x6b=0x40,OFMT=YUV420,IFMT=RGB444. But the processor captured CSI image is 1270*360, Y direction compressed half.
If 0x6b=0x50,OFMT=YUV420,IFMT=RGB444.The processor captured CSI image is 1270*16, Y direction compress more.
MIPI CSI processor configured YUV422 format UYVY8_2X8.
Below is UB940 and UB927 registers value.
Best regards