Goal: Communicate in CAN2.0b on CAN FD bus with microcontroller without CAN FD interface. And maybe later to communicate in CAN FD on CAN FD bus with same transceiver.
As explained in datasheet, we need a crystal of 20MHz to communicate up to 2Mbps and 40MHzs for 5Mbps.
As we would like only communicate in CAN2.0b and filter the CAN FD frame, is the quartz from MCU must be at 20 or 40MHz ?
This question because, our microcontroller can't accept a quartz above 16MHz. Is it possible to do something with our actual crystal at 8MHz?
The second solution, is to have a crystal directly on TCAN4550-Q1.
As we need to keep the 8MHz on MCU, could we have some problem with two quartz on PCB?
Thank's for your help,
Bastien Flückiger