Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM2732,
“Normally, the output IO pull-down impedance range from 20Ω-100Ω. RGMII RD is input pin for AM2732, usually, input pin's internal pull-down resistor range at -kΩ,please double confirm.” from AM2732 FAE.
InTIDA-020047 Two-device mmWave cascade reference design,DP83TC812R-Q1 strap resistor is open or 2.49KΩ,and divide with AM2732 internal pull down resistor, it seems unreasonable the voltage on strap pin is less than 5mV to define two modes.
DP83TC812x-Q1 TC-10 Compliant 100BASE-T1 Automotive Ethernet PHY datasheet (Rev. B)