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DS80EP100: Data rate problem

Part Number: DS80EP100
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS38EP100, EQ50F100


I have customers who want to use this chip to drive and balance CML, because their Serdes running speed may be lower than 5G, this chip IN OUT mode, if it is lower than 5G, does the balanced IC mean that the circuit is broken?

Does this chip not support lower than 5G speeds to use?


  • Hi Rhea,

    This device is designed to provide equalization for signals in the 5-12.5 Gbps range.  This is accomplished by attenuating low frequencies, and passing higher frequencies closer to the nyquist rate of the data (2.5 GHz - 6.25 GHz). This can be seen when comparing the DS80EP100 to the DS38EP100 equalizer transfer functions.  The DS38EP100 attenuates the signal less in the low frequency range since it is designed to work for a lower data rate.

    DS80EP100 DS38EP100

    Could the customer use DS38EP100, or do they need to support rates both below and above 5 Gbps?



  • Hi Drew,

    Yes,they want to use products that can support  rates both below and above 5Gbps.

    The customer's demand is to design V_By one interface, use SerDes differential signal, rate in the range of 3.12-6.25G, and want to find a driver and balancing chip that can be supported. Can you recommend suitable products?

     EQ50F100 has also been introduced to customers, but the feedback price is a little expensive.And it's a product that needs to be powered.

    Many thanks~

  • Hi Rhea,

    All other signal conditioning device that come to mind are active devices (need power), and likely cost more than DS80EP100.

    One idea that comes to mind is to perform simulation using these device models to see how they perform.  My colleague that has the models for these devices is OOO this week, but I'll request that he follows up with you on this next week.



  • Please attached note DS38 and DS80EP100 ds80ep100.s4pds38ep100.s4ps-parameter model.

    Regards, Nasser