We were trying to see if it's possible to daisy chain STM32 - G431 micro controllers using one of your 100/1000-Base-T1 systems. I understand STM32 may be a little out of TI's range of help, but just trying to get an idea of how to go about it. The G431 series micro controller doesn't have a MAC layer, but can communicate over SPI. I'm guessing we may need an ethernet controller that can communicate over SPI and interface with the PHY layer on the DP83TG720 or DP83TC812 ? Please advise if this sounds right or your recommendations?
There's also a need to use the STM32 to work on a lower data rate (similar to FDCAN rates, ~10mbps), but other devices on the bus would need higher speed and bandwidth. Can they both co-exist on the same bus without any issues, or would need something to decouple them ? Handle through a switch etc? Please advise on any part#s you'd recommend us to look into
Any guidance would be very helpful. I'm open to your part recommendations.
Thank you.