I configured the TIC12400 but eventhough the level on the INx is changed from 11V to 0V (switch to GND), there is NO SSC interrupt generated.
When switch x switches to GND, the current will go up x * the wetting current
INx all configured as CSO
WC_CFG0,WC_CFG1 2mA or 10mA (only above current will increase)
IN_EN all enabled
INT_EN_COMP1, INT_EN_COMP2 all set to 3 (falling and rising edge)
INT_EN_CFG0 All interrupts are enabled
CONFIG = 0x7E18E8 (continous mode)
Mode all zero.
POR, CALC_CRC, UV interrupt can be received when doing SW reset / init / low voltage
Any idea why it doesn't work?