The data manual for the DP83TG721S-Q1 chip is incomplete, and information such as pin descriptions is not included. Can you provide a complete version of the data manual?
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The data manual for the DP83TG721S-Q1 chip is incomplete, and information such as pin descriptions is not included. Can you provide a complete version of the data manual?
Hi User,
For the full datasheet, you must have a NDA with Texas Instruments. Please reach out to your local Field Representative if you would like to establish NDA and view our DP83TG721 datasheet,
Best regards,
Hi User,
This forum is for design related queries, unfortunately I am not sure how to obtain an NDA. If your company does not have a designated TI Field Representative, I suggest you reach out to the Customer Support Center or ""call the TI support team" at the following link Contact us | Technical support |
Best regards,