LMH1297: 12G SDI Cable EQ

Part Number: LMH1297



We have a problem when used the LMH1297 in EQ mode.

We feed in an SDI video into SDI_IO and output via OUT0 to FPGA, also loopback to SDI_OUT.

FPGA can detect  12G SDI signal of one source equipment,  but if we change another equipment, FPGA can not lock the signal, if the signal is redrived by a video distributor, then next to SDI_IO, FPGA can detect. The SDI-OUT is the same.

We adjust the relative registers, The problem has not been resolved.

Is this a hardware problem and how to optimize? What is your advice?

Best regards


  • Hi Sandy,

    I would like to request a little more information to better understand your problem.

    My summary of the problem is that the FPGA can detect the 12G SDI signal of one source equipment, but if you change to another source the FPGA cannot lock to the signal. Then if the signal is redrived by a video distributor and then goes to SDI_IO the FGPA can then detect the signal.

    Is the problem not with the source equipment?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Nick,

    Thanks for your reply. The source equipment  has been sold for many years and runs stably, and there is no problem with other devices receiving the 12G SDI signal it outputs.So I think there's a problem with our equipment。

    Best Regards,
