I have a doubt regarding the timing details in DS92LV16. As per datasheet, setup and hold times are given as shown below
Now as per these specs, min hold time 0.35*clock period.
Now considering this worst case scenario, when I consider hold time as 0.35*clock period, what will be the max setup time for data during next cycle?
Values for max setup and hold time are not given in datasheet. So, should I consider max setup time as (1-0.35)*clock period i.e. 0.65*clock period or only 0.5*clock period?
If I take it as 0.65*clock period, it means data will change before next falling edge as setup time is more than half a clock cycle. Is my understanding correct here?
Taking min hold time as 0.35*clock period and if max setup time is 0.5*clock period only, then what data will be there, what data will be there for remaining 0.15*clock period? Will it be high imedance?