Below picture is from "Figure 36. Multiple Device Addressing" of DS90UB913Q/914Q datasheet.
If, both SER (A) and SER (B)'s I2C addresses are same as 0xB0 (SER (A) & (B)'s IDx pins are set to 0xB0), how to access Camera (A) or Camera (B) at ECU side??
I think, it will need to utilize DES (B) registers 0x06 and 0x07 for SER (B) device address. For example, the DES (B) register 0x06 will be automatically loaded with 0xB0. Program 0x07=0xB2 for alias and then the ECU can begin I2C transactions to serializer with target address of 0xB2.
And then, if ECU transmits slave address 0xA4, the DES (B) 0xC2 will recognize that 0xA4 is mapped to 0xA0 and will be transmitted to the remote Camera (B). If ECU transmits I2C slave 0xA0, the DES (A) address 0xC0 will forward the transaction to remote Camera (A).
How do you think about my scenario??
Thanks... C.W. :)