Hi Team,
I have several questions about TUSB7320 pull up and pull down resistors, could you please help me ?
Our customer had trouble using TUSB7320 that the device would not be recognized at power up with an incidence of about 10%. As a result of their investigation, the symptom disappeared by removing the unused EEPROM and by adding pull down to the I2C line.
I see below comment in the schematic which is in the EVM User Guide.
When not using the EEPROM, why do you need to remove pull up resistor and add pull down to the I2C line ?
What happens when customer kept the pull up resistor connected with no pull down, when not using EEPROM ?
* EEPROM is not used but populated (connected) on the board.
What is the recommended value for pull up resistor when EEPROM is used ?
Do you think 10k is applicable ?
What is the recommended value for pull down resistor when EEPROM is NOT used ?
* I believe 0 Ohm should be fine as it is in the User Guide.
When connecting 10k pull up to I2C line, customer observed about 1.8V at the SDA/SCL pin.
When changing to 1k pull up, they observed about 3.0V at the SDA/SCL pin.
Does SDA/SCL pin have about 10k pull down resistor inside the device ?
What is the sink current value for this pins ?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,