Good day!
I have a chip of tlk106 and I wanted to use Cable Diagnostic functions of this chip.
However during its study I had some questions.
1) The description of the TDR and ALCD functions in datashet short and incomplete. Whether there is documentation with more detailed descriptions somewhere?
2) In registers bit fields and their assignments are described. But I didn't find a method how to transform values from fields and registers to real physical parameters of the line. For example:
a) Cable Diagnostic Specific Control Register 2 (CDSCR2), TDR pulse control accepts value from 0x0 to 0xF. And how many it in nanoseconds?
b) Cable Diagnostic Specific Control Register 3 (CDSCR3), Cable length cfg accepts value from 0x00 to 0xFF. And how many it in meters?
c) How to translate the values received from the registers Cable Diagnostic Location Results Register in meters? How to transfer values from the registers Cable Diagnostic Amplitude Results Register to volts? Whether there are for this purpose some formulas and where it is possible to look at them?