I need to connect between 3 I2C busses in 3 different voltage levels. The master which operates at +3.3v logic must be connected to 2 kinds of slaves which operate at +2.5v logic and +5v logic and cascaded (see connection diagram). For this connection I am planning to use TCA9617B in following connection (see below, or attached jpeg file))
My questions are:
1. Can I connect A side of TCA9617B to A side of TCA9617B? (in this application I can't connect the master to the A side of the left TCA9617B because of the operating condition that needs that Vcca<Vccb)?
2. Can I connect the master to the A side of TCA9617B and not to the B side of TCA9617B as described in the datasheet?
3. Can I connect the master which operates at +3.3v directly to the A side of TCA9617B while Vcca=2.5v and Vccb=5v if the logic levels of the master meets the needed conditions (Vihmin=2.0v, etc..)? (It looks the '1' will be clamped by clamping diodes of TCA9617B, while clamping current will be very small (Iclamp=(3.3-2.5)/Rpu), but if the clamping diode has Vf>0.8v, then SCLA and SDAA pins will see input voltage that greater than Vcca, does i to.k.? I think yes because data sheet says that all I/Os are powered by Vccb).
Thank you.