This is an urgent critical request. We are seeing quite a bit of jitter when we are going the SN65LVCP114 redriver chip.
Our application on this TI-MUX chip (SN65LVCP114) is passing SFP+ traffic from A to B and vice versa. We ran into random CRC errors on this Mux.
Looking at a copper trace eye, we saw quite a bit of jitter across traffic flow from A to B. Even just loopback on SFPP (circle). See Pics attached.
“X2_eval_del” is a reference eye came straight out of our 10G XM2 test equipment.
“X2_P7_P8_eval_copper_del” is on our board and our application usage. The eye looked pretty bad.
“mux_loop_P1_default” is the loopback path on the TI_MUX.
The power we used is 3.3V and the ripple we saw on it. It’s about 64 mVpp.
This is just a redriver chip. What can contribute so much jitter beside the 3.3V power?
Can you thinking of any possible issue?
We need your urgent help. Here is our request.
We need to duplicate this application on your SN65LVCP114 boards to see if we see this kind of jitter.
- Can we get 2 x SN65LVCP114 boards to hook up back to back to see if it works. And look at the eye. If not available, can we rush buy over night?
- Do you have a look in Santa Clara where we can go to do this measurement?
Your urgent attention is appreciated since it stop us in release our product.
Thank you so much for your understand and help.