In the datasheet for the PCA9518, it states that you cannot connect the PCA9518 buffer in series to another buffer/repeater. But connecting to this i2C switch/mux should be fine, correct? As I understand it, a valid low applied to the input to the PCA9518 is propagated as a buffered low with a slightly higher value. If this buffered low is applied to another repeater, the repeater will not recognize it as a low because the repeater needs a V_il at least 70mV less than its own V_ol.
But when it comes to connecting the PCA9518 hub in series with the PCA9544A I2C mux, as long as V_ol of the PCA9518 is <0.3*Vcc there should be no problem with the PCA9544A recognizing the low input. In the other direction, as long as V_ol of the PCA9544A is > 70mV less than the V_ol of the PCA9518 (the datatheet specs 0.4V max), there should be no problem with the PCA9518 recognizing that low input.
Let me know if this reasoning is correct and if it is indeed ok to put the PCA9518 in series with the PCA9544A.