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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLK10232, TLK10031


I´m not much into ethernet so excuse me if I´m wrong regarding this topic.

I´m using XAUI in a connection between several boards connected through a backplane (no cables) so I understand I could use 10GBASE-KX4 standard for this matter.

On the other hand, I´d like to connect this 10GBASE-KX4 bus to a 10GBASE-T RJ45 connector. Is it possible? In case it is possible what type of transceiver/phyceiver/chip would I need for this need?

thank you in advance for your answers.

Best ,


  • Hi Julian,

    The TLK10232 is a transceiver that supports XAUI <==> 10GBASE-KR, which is intended for backplane applications. Regarding the 10GBASE-T we do not support in TLK family. Please take a look into TLK10031/232/034.

    I hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    Luis Omar Moran
    High Speed Interface
    SWAT Team
  • Dear Luis,

    Thanks for your answer.

    Is the 10gbase-kx4 an obsolete standard? My idea is to transmit a 10Gb over a backplane (vpx) to connect xaui between several fpgas placed in different cards. Is it better to use a 10gbase-kr than a 10gbase-kx4 standard?

    On the other hand, i would like to connect this bus to a 10gbase-t connection in a tet board in order test it. Is this possible? What alternativs are there?

    Thanks in advamce for your answer.

