I'm about to design the TUSB9261 into a new product. To tie everything together I'll have to route the SATA TX and RX tracks from this IC through my board and with high-speed lines crossing each other.
As far as I can see, TI's documentation for this chip permits the swap for USB SuperSpeed lines ( Page 20 of datasheet "It is permissible to swap the plus and minus on either or both of the SuperSpeed differential pairs" ).
My question is: Is possible to apply the same way of thinking for the SATA traces and then swap SATA_TX (plus and minus) and SATA_RX (plus and minus) lines? (Pag 20 of datasheet) "It is permissible to swap the plus and minus on the SATA differential pair". Is the swap applicable only to TX lines or even to the to the RX traces?
Thanks in advance,