Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCAN1051
Hi ,
I amd wondering if our device TCAN1051 support also the shield mode. It is not really describe in the datasheet:
"The proposed CAN FD Shield transceiver provides three operation modes. In normal mode, it behaves as specified in ISO 11898-2. The RXD signal represents the bus lines and the TXD signal controls the transmission caused by the connected CAN controller. In stand-by/sleep mode the RXD signal is high (recessive) as long as no wake-up event has been detected. Upon wake-up, the stand-by state is entered. The RXD signal is switched to low (dominant) until the transceiver leaves the stand-by state by request of the attached micro-controller. In shield mode, the RXD signal is low during the data-phase of any CAN FD message. The TXD input is disabled; this means the transmitter is not active. Shield mode cannot be requested by the micro-controller. It is entered automatically from normal mode, while a CAN FD message is on the bus."
Thanks and regards,