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TPS2062: TPS2062DR related questions

Part Number: TPS2062
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2061


PLease support to provide your comments for questions as below.


1.     What is the Vih and Vil for EN1 and EN2 pins?  Considering to disable the switch by connecting ENx pins to 3.3V, is it necessary to add any PU resistor?  Or PD resistor when it's connecting to GND to enable the switch? 

2.     When there's no loading on Out1/Out2(No USB device connected) with ENx high( to disable output) by default during system  power-up, what would be the the output voltage level at this moment?

3.     Is there any power on sequence requirement for IN/ENx/OCx pins?

4.     What would be the suggested way to connect ENx pins when we want to keep this switch disabled (so that output is 0V) during system power-up?



  • Hi ,
    1)Sorry for response late. Yes, you need to add the PU or PD resistor for EN since this is good for noise immune.
    TPS2062 is EN-pin active low device , so En-pin low than 0.8 V the divce will be actived.
    2) There are no output voltage when device is disable during system power up .
    3) There are no sequence requirement for system application.
    4) EN-pin Apply a pull up resistor connect to Vin .
  • HI Michael,


    The remaining question is, what is the minimum level for ENx pin to be a "logic high"?  In other words, what is the VIH(min) for ENx pin?  Does it depends on the voltage level applied on Vin?  Is it ok to connect ENx to 3.3V as a legal logic-high always?

    If it's ok, what would be the suggested PU resistor value between ENx and 3.3V?  What is the judgement criteria here for the PU resistor value?



  • Hi Anntony,
    For TPS2061 is enable is logic low active, when the En-pin lower than 0.8V (VIL) then the device will be active for work. The minimum level for ENX pin to be a "logic high" is 0.8V , it don't depends on Vin voltage . It is OK to contect ENX to 3.3V logic-high .
    It suggest PU resistor is 100K Rohm . The criteria here is the Ii current in the EN-pin , in the datasheet is -5uA(min) and 5uA(max) .

    You can refer to page 4 Electical table check the "ENABLE INPUT" colum to check every paramater of EN-pin.
  • Hi Michael,

    Thanks!  I found the Vih (min) is 2V for ENx pin as shown below.

    But, the current seems to be -0.5uA(min) and 0.5uA(max) instead of -5uA(min) and 5uA(max).  So, how to calculate the suggested resister value considering ENx is pulled up to 3.3V?




  • HI Antony,

    Yes, you are right . I make a mistake here.
    The resistor is depend on the Ii current in the Enable pin in the range -0.5uA to 0.5uA.
    PU/PD= 3.3V/Ii , just follow the fomular to calculate .