Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3358, , HD3SS460, TPS65982, CSD87501L
My application uses an AM3358 running Linux and is set up as follows. The SPI flash was flashed with a binary generated using the TPS65981_2_6_7 Application Customization 3_18 tool. It was based off of the TPS65981_HD3SS460_DRP_Host_Standard_v3_18.tpl template. I have connected the board to various USB PD power sources and have shown that it works and can request all the power levels required by my application. I can power the AM3358 and TPS65981 down independently if needed and view the TPS65981 via I2C on the AM3358. (Note: the SPI Flash is between two boards now and cannot easily be accessed for direct reflashing)(this architecture is pictured below).
Using the micro USB port in the diagram I can access the AM3358 using it as a RNDIS Gadget. When I then move on to attempt to use the USB C port I receive windows errors (shown below). It clearly shows that the driver identifies the incorrect chip as a TPS65982 not the TPS65981 that it should. Additionally, when I attempt to use the application customization tool in the USB EP mode through the USB C port I also receive an error (shown below). I have attempted to use both USB ports without change. Therefore what steps do I need to follow in order to resolve the problem of the chip misidentifying (minor problem just a curiosity)? However, the main problem of the TPS65981 not forwarding the RNDIS Gadget needs to be resolved. The ideal result would be plugging in a USB C port into the computer and the device and the RNDIS Gadget appearing on the device manager like it does through the micro USB port.