Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THVD1510
Hello all,
in order to protect the RS485 transceiver against ESD, EFT and surges we add a TVS device parallel to the bus lines.
Unfortunately, these devices add some capacitance on the bus lines, which, some how, affect the communication.
I feel that the bus speed will be restricted / decreased, as the total bus length too.
The number of nodes will also be decreased, as this number will actually be a multiplier of the effect.
My question is, how we can quantitate the effect of TVS capacitance on bus speed, bus length and nodes number,
in order to select the proper / best TVS device for our application.
An idea I have is to express the TVS capacitance to bus length equivalent capacitance
and then use the various graphs (length vs speed) available on many RS485 guides.
Assuming a cable capacitance for RS485 as 50pF/m, a TVS with 300pF would be equivalent to 6 meters of cable,
so each node equipped with such TVS would decrease the total bus length by 6 meters.