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TFP401: Unable to get proper output on TFP401 and SN65LVDS93A

Part Number: TFP401
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65LVDS93, SN65LVDS93A

I've designed a board which convert HDMI signals to LVDS interface where we used TFP401AIPZPRQ1 and SN65LVDS93ADGGR.

I'm able to see the output on TFT Display for the required resolution but something wrong with it.

I attached datasheet of Display, picture, clip and schematic.

Desktop uses Ubuntu 18 HDS-K01_REV1_HDMI2LVDS.pdf[LCD_7_1024x600]ZW-T070BAHA-52.pdf.04.

Here is the picture of the ouput.