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TPS65987D: Programming / debug issue using USB-C-PD-DUO-EVM with supported Aardvark tool

Part Number: TPS65987D
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: USB-C-PD-DUO-EVM, TPD6S300,

Briefly:  I am integrating USB-C for the first time in one of our products.  I have chosen to use a TI solution with the TPS65987D PD controller and the TPD6S300 port protector.  I have purchased one of your USB-C-PD-DUO-EVM modules for the purpose of debugging my own implementation which I am programming with the officially supported Total Phase Aardvark tool and code generated with your ‘Application Customization Tool’ GUI version 6.1.1.  Unfortunately, I am having a few issues reliably programming and debugging both the evaluation module and my own solution.  I therefore have a couple of questions that I would appreciate if anyone has an answer to. 

My symptoms on the USB-C-PD-DUO-EVM, using the programming header and the Aardvark, are: 

1)   I can be in either of two states: 

1) Programming succeeds and passes readback verification however the configuration does not appear to change (even after power cycling) and ‘Application Customization Tool’ -> ‘Boot Flags’ -> ‘SPI Flash Present’ -> ‘Value’ reads ‘False’.  
2) Programming fails with a readback verification error however the configuration still does not change and ‘Application Customization Tool’ -> ‘Boot Flags’ -> ‘SPI Flash Present’ -> ‘Value’ reads ‘True’. 

Note: The configuration appears to change if I ‘Export Settings to Device RAM’ after a successful program.  In this state I can plug in a device and a voltage of around 900mA appears however negotiation / data does not appear on the on the line.  If I program the same USB-C-PD-DUO-EVM through the USB micro and plug in a USB-C device I see the negotiation on the CC line and I can get 20V on the Vbus. 

My observations: 

Looking at the USB-C-PD-DUO-EVM User's Guide, the schematic suggests that both the TPS65987D and the SPI flash are both slave devices (‘SPI_CSZ_SOURCE’ an input), leaving the programmer as a master device when connected.  This is also supported by the ‘Application Customization Tool’ debug mode with ‘GPIO11’ Direction reading back the value ‘0x0’ in the ‘GPIO Status Register’.  The implications of this are that when programming it is unclear where any returning data from the MISO has come from as both chips will be selected as they share a common SS.  Also, when the programmer is removed, there will be two slave configured devices with nothing initiating the communication, there does not appear to be a second SS line configurable in the ‘Configuration Registers’ -> ‘I/O Config’ that could be used as an output SS. 


When considering the TPS65987D SPI as a master device it contradicts the schematic but allows the TPS65987D to request the config at boot up.  When programming however there are now two Master devices controlling a single slave device.  I could tristate my Aardvark programming connector to avoid conflict however the TPS65987D will be in the dark, writing without response.  There is no reset line connected to the programming connector either which might be a way to resolve the conflict.  Looking at the SS line with an oscilloscope when powered on, the TPS65987D SS line behaves as an output and appears to fetch the configuration from the SPI flash device. 


Looking at the USB-C-PD-DUO-EVM users guide, and confirmed by a continuity test on the pins, the Programming header J203 utilizes ‘SPI_CSZ_SOURCE’ making it impossible to program the SPI flash for the SNK board without breaking the connector apart and connecting to ‘SPI CS HEADER’ J202 pin 1. 


Question:  Is the TPS65987D operating as an SPI master, if so, is there a suggested arrangement, perhaps used with the onboard FTDI chip that avoids conflict between two masters when the Aardvark connected?  When I am using the Aardvark should the I2C1 be on a separate connector to the SPI so they are not on the programming header at the same time?  To make my programming arrangement more robust for my test setup I would prefer to have all the cables feeding into a single connector, is there a known modification to get J203 to program the SNK board PD?  (The layer views further down in the user guide are very difficult to use to work out which track to cut / vias to solder to without signal labeling). 

2) My symptom is not being able to read the SNK board registers using the Aardvark with the ‘Application Customization Tool’. 

My observations: 
I can only see the I2C address of the SRC board when scanning with the Aardvark connected to either J2 or J203 of the USB-C-PD-DUO-EVM.  Using the FTDI and a USB micro B cable I can see both I2C addresses however I lose connection in debug when I have plugged in a USB-C DFP / UFP and the PD negotiation has taken place.  (I think this may be due to some logic contention, possibly due to an incorrect register setting, as in this state the Voltage LEDs appear to randomly flicker). 


Question:  Is there a known issue / fix to connecting the debugger to the SNK board with the Aardvark?  (Searching this help forum I am aware of various driver issues however I have an FTDI cable that I have tried with similar results and I am fairly confident that it's not a driver issue as I can communicate with the SRC board).  Are there any known configurations unsupported by the USB-C-PD-DUO-EVM?  (My custom application does not use the buttons on the SNK board, using only a single device with 0 virtual devices). 


Any contribution appreciated. 

Warmest regards. 


  • Hello Laurence,

    Your pictures did not come through on the post. Let's try to tackle your issues one by one. Below are answers to your questions.  

    1. The TPS65987D is a SPI master. See this post for more detail. The two masters should not conflict. Is the Power Duo sink board connected to power when you are trying to program it? 

    2. Have you broken the board apart? Ensure you are providing power to the sink board as well. 

    I know you have a lot going on with the issues you are facing but let's start with these questions first. 



  • Hi Emma,
    Thanks for the quick response.
    1.  I am powering the board with 20V directly across TP1 (SYS_PWR) and TP2 (GND).
    2.  The two boards are still intact - I have not split them into DFP and DFU modules


  • Hi Laurence,

    I would keep your boards joined, as there are I2C connections across the connections. Try powering the sink from the source board through a Type-C connector. This will ensure that the TPS65987D powers up properly with a valid USB PD power contract. 



  • Hi Emma,

    Ok thanks, I will keep the the boards joined.  Using the USB-C in the SNK socket, as you suggested, has worked, and shows the i2c address 0x21 (with the USB micro b connector unplugged).  Downloading a PD State Machine Trace from the Application Customization Tool has shown the successful negotiation.
    My intention is to use the SNK board to help debug a PD negotiation with a customized application running on my own equivalent of the SRC board.  If the negotiation is unsuccessful the SNK board will not be powered and I will not be able to download a PD State Machine Trace.  Is there a way to keep the debug connection alive before and after a negotiation or is it only possible to readback a failed negotiation PD State Machine Trace from the SRC board?

    Best regards

  • Hi Laurence,

    I would recommend getting a PD analyzer tool like the Total Phase Analyzer and plugging it into your PD source. This way you will be able to read the logs for any PD negotiation without needing to have the sink board connect to the GUI. 

    The sink board can only remain connected to the GUI provided it is being powered, which in the sink board's case, means a valid PD contract. If you want to stick to the EVM route, you can get the TPS65987D which will remain connected to debug with a barrel jack connection and can be configured to act as  DRP, meaning it will negotiate a sink contract. 

