Hi team,
My customer is looking for an UART to RS232C conversion IC. Could you advise me about the recommended device?
The customer's requirement for UART and RS232C are below.
- Baud rate : 38400bps
- Data : 8bit
- Parity : None
- Stop bit : 1bit
- Method : Start-stop synchronization(Asynchronous method), half-duplex communication method
- Method: Asynchronous method, half-duplex communication method
- Transmission speed: Selectable from among 9600bps, 19200bps, 38400bps, and 115200bps
- Data length: 8 bits + 1 parity
- Stop bit: 1 bit
- Code used: ASCII 8 bit code
- Error detection method: Vertical (even) parity check