ISOUSB111: Does ISOUSB111 comply with the explosion-proof standard: IEC60079-11:2023, Section 7.10.2?

Part Number: ISOUSB111


Dear Specialists,

My customer is considering TUSB111 for explosion proof equipment and has a question.

I would be grateful if you could advise.


I have questions about ISOUSB111.

① Is this device a non-optical signal isolator?

② If the answer to ① is yes, please let me know if the differential leakage current transfer limit under the worst-case data rate is 50uA.

(Reference: Excerpt from explosion-proof standard: IEC60079-11:2023, Section 7.10.2

Non-optical signal isolators, and optical isolators with intentional power transfer, shall comply with a differential leakage current transfer limit of 50uA,
under the most onerous conditions of data rate for the application under consideration, obtained from the manufacturer of the signal isolator.


I appreciate your great help in advance.

Best regards,


  • Hi Shinichi-San,

    Thank You for Reaching out.

    Answering to your questions below:

    1. Yes, The ISOUSB's isolation element is non-optical, which translates to it's high performance and reliability.
    2. Currently the Device is not compliant to IEC60079-11 standard and hence we do not quote a differential leakage current numbers as per the standard setup below.
  • Hi Varun,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understand that your device is not compliant with the IEC60079-11 standard.

    Are there any plans to make it compliant with the IEC 60079-11 standard?

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Shinichi-San,

    Currently there are no plans of IEC 60079-11 Certification for ISOUSB Devices.

  • Varun,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I understand current situation.

    I shared this information with the customer.

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,
