Customer wants to use TPA2005D1-Q1 and TPA6211A1-Q1 as following figure, and control each /SHUTDOWN as following.
Please answer following our concern.
TPA2005D1-Q1 datasheet has following specification.
Output impedance is 1kohm typical and not so high and not high impedance.
Also TPA6211A1-Q1 has 1uF load of TPA2005D1-Q1 LC filter.
Are their any problem when TPA2005D1-Q1 is shut down and TPA6211A1-Q1 drives speaker?
TPA6211A1-Q1 datasheet doesn’t have any explanation about Vo+/- state when /SHUTDOWN is Low.
Does Vo+/- of TPA6211A1-Q1 goes high impedance when /SHTUDOWN is Low?
And are their any problem when TPA6211A1-Q1 is shut down and TPA2005D1-Q1 drives speaker?
Please advise if above usage has any concern or OK.
Best Regards.